potstickers with nacho cheese?

mmm, I've never tried that and probably am not that quick to want to, but if it was presented in front of me, I would try it.

still, I prefer the red wine vinegar with those.

as for distinctions, we had a guy training with us for about a year and who couldn't/wouldn't stop calling practice "karate class" lol.

poor guy.

anyway, as a martial artist, but not a career martial artist, I pretty much avoid conversations about it in mixed company these days. If someone isn't already into kungfu, they're not gonna get much reference to it or find much about it on my facebook page or that sort of thing.

I was running out of the kind of sighs that you let out when the 9000th person asks "kungfu? what's that?" or "seafood? that's a funny name for a teacher" or better when they get all racist, squint and brandish their front teeth and make some comment about my brack bert while calling me charie chan #1 son!

But I digress...