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Thread: Yang Jwing-Ming's kung fu retreat?

  1. #106
    10 years a big chunck of time for anyone.

    maybe shorten the time span and offer variable programs.

    such as

    1. 2 years as if a junior college.

    2. 4 years as if undergraduate

    3. 4 to 5 years as if graduate


    1. some people may have talents may need shorter time

    2. specific programs and progression for each indiviual depending his or her physical attributes and talents and needs

    3. general programs for everyone would be 2 years

    just like in college

    some general courses.

    major in a certain field such as throwing, shooting the arrows, sword or spear etc

    graduate study in---


    10 years of one's life time is a lot for a lot of people in a modern society.

    most would carry on or continue at his or her own pace once done with "education" for the rest of his or her life.

  2. #107
    Join Date
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    Reno, Nv, USA
    And on the crotch stomp on downed opponent - anyone think about grabbing the feet THEN stomping the crotch?

    Standard guardpass or leglock setup in most NHB camps.

    I think YOU already knew that.

    "Feet Holding Techniques"


  3. #108
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Another press release

    I admire Dr. Yang's disciple project, which is one of the reasons I covered it. Dr. Yang's writings were very influential on the American understanding of Chinese Martial Arts. I'm not going to begrudge him making enough money on it to build this retreat center. I've been there. It's spectacular. I wish I made enough money to build one like it and hope someday to visit Dr. Yang's center again.

    In the tradition of Dr. Yang, the disciples are submitting articles now. We published the first in our 2009 May/June issue (on the newsstands now!), Fundamental Martial Arts Conditioning: Jumping By Jonathan D. Chang.


    For over 40 years, Chinese martial arts master Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming has taught thousands of students in seminars and through his association of 50 schools around the world. Now, he has a new plan to teach a select group of exceptional young students in a remote mountain training facility in Northern California, the not-for-profit YMAA Retreat Center. His goal is to push the standard of today's training up to a higher standard, closer to that of ancient times, when disciples lived and studied with a teacher for a minimum of 10 years. The graduating students will be Masters of a caliber higher than Dr Yang, capable of teaching countless others their martial and healing skills.

    This 10-year program started in September 2008, after the successful raising of funds and construction of two buildings, with solar power, a Spring-fed well, and an organic garden capable of sustaining the project completely off the grid on 240 acres of forest.

    This is a final call for student applicants - please visit this webpage:

    Applications from qualified students, aged 17-22 will be accepted until May 31, 2009, and the second group accepted will spend nine years training in the traditional way with Dr. Yang, guest instructors, and other senior YMAA members. The expanded curriculum consists of barehand and weapons forms of many external arts, such as Shaolin Kung Fu, as well as internal arts, like Yang-style Taijiquan and Qigong. The program also offers instruction in meditation, healing, Chinese language, culture, and cooking, and much more. Classes are six days per week, and the students get two vacation periods to return home each year, similar to other Master Degree programs.

    Anyone interested in this program can learn more at the Retreat Center website, where you may also get a glimpse into the Center in the first video produced by the first group of students:

    Interested students should apply now. Thank you.

    Read More;"
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    makes me wish i was younger
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  5. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    I admire Dr. Yang's disciple project, which is one of the reasons I covered it. Dr. Yang's writings were very influential on the American understanding of Chinese Martial Arts. I'm not going to begrudge him making enough money on it to build this retreat center. I've been there. It's spectacular. I wish I made enough money to build one like it and hope someday to visit Dr. Yang's center again.
    I'd love to visit the center too and I don't mind the guy making money from his product. This is America after all. I just mind people trying to paint it like some noble undertaking. In ten years the guys will have nearly MILLIONS of dollars in cold hard cash from salary and rent. He'll have his own personal land paid for by this "rent" from the center. He'll have facilities and equipment on this land that are again paid for by this retreat center. He is making out HUGE. Just call it like it is. He's not curing cancer. He's making a bundle of money.

  6. #111
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Ford Prefect View Post
    I'd love to visit the center too and I don't mind the guy making money from his product.
    so lack of money makes men inferiour to the knowledge and understanding being transmitted?
    This is America after all.
    goodness gracious... don't remind me.

  7. #112
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    Corner of somewhere and where am I
    Meh...I pay $45 a month for better training. And I can still get my degree done while doing it. Not bad for a guy living off $1100 a month. I think I'll stick with what I got.

  8. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by uki View Post
    so lack of money makes men inferiour to the knowledge and understanding being transmitted?
    goodness gracious... don't remind me.
    nope, but there is nothing wrong with getting paid for your efforts, especially if you have a good product.
    "My Gung-Fu may not be Your Gung-Fu.
    Gwok-Si, Gwok-Faht"

    "I will not be part of the generation
    that killed Kung-Fu."


  9. #114
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    Corner of somewhere and where am I
    Quote Originally Posted by uki View Post
    so lack of money makes men inferiour to the knowledge and understanding being transmitted?
    I always kinda thought the ones without tend to appreciate less, more.

    Maybe if he was such a noble and generous guy he'd take a couple into his little program that didn't have much else going for them. If his goal is in fact to have a few dedicated students. But hey this all could just be the t.v. talkin, I just got through a Rocky marathon.
    "When you're hurt and feelin' like you're goin' down. That little angel's gonna whisper in your ear and its gonna say, Get up you son-of-a-*****! Cuz Mickey love's ya!"

    Besides didn't Buddha say less is more?....or he probably said less is less but less is whatever....Gina Carano is still hot

    Lots of people got hit in the head with baseballs this week
    Last edited by SoCo KungFu; 08-16-2009 at 11:41 PM.

  10. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by SoCo KungFu View Post
    Lots of people got hit in the head with baseballs this week
    next time, duck, brother...

  11. #116
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    well, if you cannot afford reasonable tuition, then it means that you cannot either hold a job, or keep your finances in order. Either way, if you do not have the discipline to take care of your own basic needs, how could you possibly have the discipline to correctly and thoroughly learn Kung-Fu, as well as be a representative of your Sifu?
    "My Gung-Fu may not be Your Gung-Fu.
    Gwok-Si, Gwok-Faht"

    "I will not be part of the generation
    that killed Kung-Fu."


  12. #117
    I think this is amazing.

    As a side note to the 10 year thing. Chen Man Ching accepted Lee Kam Wing as a "closed door" disciple for ten years, for the purpose of transmitting the entire 7* Mantis system to LKW. So this is not unheard of.

    Judging by Dr Yang's books alone, it is obvious there is a ton of knowledge in there. If he doesn't have any full fledged disciples, then that is a lot of knowledge and history lost.

    I hope the program is a success.

  13. #118
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    Pound Town
    its ok to teach for money ande its ok to teach for free in my opinion, its up to you, there no right and wrong but in the past its not uncommon for good sifus to get 10 to 20 piece of silver (average man can live on one piece silver for 2 months)
    so according to tradition todays sifu should get $80000 to $160000 for each student

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  14. #119
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    I agree Bawang, money is not a deciding factor.
    My former Sifu as well as the three teachers that I train with now, all teach me for free, -although I still give lai-see.
    Traditionally, the students support the Sifu, in many cases, building or providing a home/mo-kwoon for him.
    In a way, this is still done, only through direct transfer of your tuition to the Sifu's account. We accept Visa, Master Card, and Discovery.
    But, the student should still have the mental and psychological capacity to be able to financially support himself.
    Otherwise you end up with a school full of crazies.
    "My Gung-Fu may not be Your Gung-Fu.
    Gwok-Si, Gwok-Faht"

    "I will not be part of the generation
    that killed Kung-Fu."


  15. #120
    Join Date
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    Pound Town
    tru tru

    the best kung fu guy i ever met worked in chinese restaurants for 30 years and is very poor and refused to let me call sifu ,he taught for free, and now i cant find him anymore ( i was 12 year old)
    i went though similar money problems travelling all alone to big city right after high school (and refuse parent money help) and now i finally understand my friend. when i find money i will find him and bow down and ask him be my sifu, and i will give him all my money so he can live confortable (hes 50 year old and still had barely enough money to live)
    when i think about him i cry

    i met people that taught for free that are amazing, i met crazy people with no skills that taught for free, i met people that charge alot because they get too many ppeople wanting to ask to be students, and i met people that charge a lot but never had any skills at all
    Last edited by bawang; 08-17-2009 at 10:35 AM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

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