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Thread: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Chandler (Phoenix), Arizona
    KungFuGuy!, your tactics led to the death of many Jedi that day.

    Padme lasted just fine without Anakin defending her. She was able to fight off the monster that attacked her, and she was smart enough to take cover. Anakin, for your information, was too busy defending HIMSELF.

    In Episode I, you will recall that the Gungans were roundly defeated in close combat by the battle droids. You don't remember this, but the droids routed the Gungans by blowing up the force field in your close quarters. Because of this, countless Gungans died AND they lost the battle. In short, your strategy failed miserably.

    Your logic about the clone army is flawed, KungFuGuy! By your estimation, you'd take an army of clones over an army of Jedi. Besides, taking out sentries didn't stop the Jedi from getting shot up or from being rounded up at the end.

    Throughout history, air forces have been employed to soften up ground positions BEFORE ground troops are sent in. We did that in the Gulf War and in Afghanistan. By your estimation, we'd send in ground troops to "take out sentries" and "create surprise". And the result would be the same as in "Episode II": a high death toll of American soldiers. Is that what you want, KungFuGuy?

    I'll say this, KungFuGuy! If I were a Jedi or Gulf War soldier, I'd never fight for you. That's because you'd send me to my death via close quarter combat.

  2. #92
    um... there's quite a difference betwen a Gulf War soilder & a Jedi...

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Ontario, Canada
    I most certainly would not. You'd be the cook.
    But seriously, I wouldn't. You, being a regular human, would be more efficient with a gun than with a sword. A jedi is more efficient with a melee weapon, due to his ability to deflect missle weapons, and even turn the blasts back onto the shooter. They also have the ability to take on many opponents simultaneously in close combat, while still defending themselves from attacks. If you were a Jedi? Well, refusing to fight in close combat would lead to your expulsion from the Jedi order. No, you wouldn't fight for me, because I'd fire you. Then you'd join the dark side, and get your @ss kicked by some padawan because of your refusale to put down your blaster. Jango favoured a blaster above all else, and he was easily a match for the greatest Jedi marksmen. How did his blaster fare versus Mace Windu? Also, need I remind you how many gun toting henchmen and droids have been destroyed by lightsabres?
    Yes, the gungans were still defeated, but at least it was fairely close. What if they had no shields and were forced to fight at a distance? It would be a fish fry masacre.
    Obviously I would take an army of Jedi over an army of Clones. Now, would I take a small band of Jedi against a huge army? Of course not, the Jedi would be destroyed just as in the coliseum.
    Cover isn't everything. What happens when someone walks around your cover? I believe this is called fish in a barrel, my friend.
    Watch the movie again, you'll notice Anakin was always near Padme. Why wasn't she shot? Because she needs to be in the next movie so she can get it on with ani and pop out those twins.
    Your arguements are becoming abscure and somewhat irrelevant. Perhaps you should give up while you still can
    Edit: Hey, I just realized that you're the guy who was acting like Dragonwarrior's little sidekick! That makes this extra fun
    Last edited by KungFuGuy!; 08-14-2002 at 02:44 AM.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Chandler (Phoenix), Arizona
    You have a problem with me or Dragon Warrior's story (which was REAL)?

    Trust me, you don't really want to test your sense of kung fu reality against mine. But you can try me if you wish.

    That lightsaber really helped that Jedi who got shot up by Jango Fett in close quarters, didn't it? It even helped Mace Windu on the ledge, who got flamed off the ledge and killed Fett only because Fett's backpack broke. Notice how Fett's success against Obi Wan and that fallen Jedi (and his subsequent failure against Windu) in close quarter combat weakens your argument about how close quarters are better than long distance fighting?

    Thank you for strengthening my argument that the Gungans were better at long distance than at short distance. In doing so, you corroborated my argument that keeping one's distance is wiser than close quarter combat against guns. Keep in mind that in the end, it WAS a Gungan fish fry massacre.

    I'll tell you what happens when "somebody walks around your cover". You get out of firing range and find MORE cover. Of course, a guy like you would simply stand in the way and take the bullets coming your way.

    Of course, you won't understand a word of this. But it's an interesting discussion nonetheless.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Ontario, Canada
    Oh, please. Your arguements have become so flimsy that any 12 year old star wars fan could refute them. Anything I would say now would just be repetitions of my previous posts.
    Real or not, dragonwarrior is a *******.
    Don't make me laugh. We both know you have no sense of "kung fu reality". You can't even understand basic tactics.

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Chandler (Phoenix), Arizona
    OK then.

    Let's see how much better your kung fu is than mine.
    Last edited by HuangKaiVun; 08-20-2002 at 05:29 PM.

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Ontario, Canada
    Give me a break! It's pretty easy to talk trash to someone from across the continent. Was I supposed to take that seriously?
    Last edited by KungFuGuy!; 08-22-2002 at 02:23 AM.

  8. #98
    Originally posted by HuangKaiVun
    Let's see how much better your kung fu is than mine.
    my kung fu is better than yours.
    Arab American pursuing parkour and MMA.

  9. #99

    Now Now . . .

    Simmer Down . . .!

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    36th Chamber

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars

    He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher. -- Walt Whitman

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    As a mod, I don't have to explain myself to you.

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I found that pathetic. The animation style is ugly, they're doing the CLONE WARS when it was already a TV show, and the graphics are low-rez in the preview.

  12. #102
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I think this'll be good. It's also going to be a television series on Cartoon Network.

    The Gennedy Tartakovsky Clone Wars micro-series was always kind of a 2 hour long serialized pilot for a Clone Wars project. It just so happens that they're doing it CGI. Besides, that micro-series didn't cover all of the Clone Wars. There's still some short period of time between Anakin Skywalker getting made a Jedi Knight and the micro-series stuff that takes place just prior to Revenge of the Sith. I think they're also going to be doing some stories that don't always involve Obi-Wan and Anakin. So there'll be other Jedi taking center stage at times, others maybe just clones. Perhaps tell the story from the other side sometimes too. Samuel L Jackson is doing Mace Windu's voice for this.

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Bronx N.Y.U.S.A.
    Not bad this looks interesting I look forward to seeing it thanks for posting.

  14. #104
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Eugene, OR
    Duuuuude! Anakin?! Again?!?!

    I am so sick of that whiny brat! With lines like, "But master, I'm the most powerful jedi EVER!"


    The prequel was the worst move I could've imagined right from the word go. It had it's moments, but it was pretty lame overall.

    I wish Lucas would f***ing move on already. There's so much they could be doing with Star Wars. We could really use some new characters, new plots, entirely new stories...

    It's supposed to be a civilization that encompasses millions of planets, billions of cultures, and tens of thousands of years of history.

    Is the only interesting thing that's happened in all that time, in all those cultures, is that a spoiled, whiny monk ruined his order so he could get some coochie on the side?
    Bodhi Richards

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Samurai Jack View Post

    I wish Lucas would f***ing move on already.?
    DUDE! I'm moving next month, get off my back.
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

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