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Thread: merry christmas ppl, a few tips on buying the right turkey

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Becca View Post
    Been reading Aragon again? Wanting to be an elf? I'll stop getting part of my food sorce from animals just as soon as I can wave my fingers and make other types of food appear... In the words of many, many comidians, "If we aren't suposed to eat animals, then why are they made of meat?"
    reading what ????

    u can make other food appear

    in fact being a vegetarian costs u less as vegetables dont need constant atention or feeding and are grown in much greater quantities so theyre cheaper

    why are they made of meat?

    you are made of meat can i kill and eat you if i feel like it ? i dont need to eat u as i can survive on other stuff but i think u'l taste good so can i eat you ?

    your dog looks tasty can i eat him ?

    what makes u or any animal worth more than another ?
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    when i drank cabbbage soup and ate rice i didn't feel so healthy.

    "i only hurt people in defence of myself or others i'd do the same to any animal"
    then how do you spar? i thought you did mma.
    cabbage soup is disgusting

    there are other things than that you know a vegetarian diet can be just as varied as a meat eaters

    i dont hurt my opponent really badly, we are still friends and if i didnt hit him he would hit me

    tahts a stupid question

    its called sparring not FIGHTING or HURTING

    i dont go up to my friends at my club and say"would u like me to hurt you?" i say would u like to spar ?

    i dont hurt my opponents really ive never come out of my lesson feeling really bad that someone broke all by ribs and kicked my teeth out

    the only time ive been properly hurt are as the result of accidents

    i feel healthy i eat well and i eat a balanced diet all without killing anything

    with a human brain u should be able to make the concsious decision to avoid killing other sentient beings

    if u do purely because u like the taste then that is just selfish

    what is more evil than that ?

    would you eat a baby thats only 6 months old ? it might taste great

    most animals are slaughtered at around this age never having the chance to do what would come naturally to them

    never seeing the sun
    never feeling anything but concrete under their feet

    never meeting any of their own kind except from behind bars

    never turning around once in their entire lives

    going insane from the conditions

    treated like a machine not an animal especially nasty this one
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by golden arhat View Post
    cabbage soup is disgusting

    there are other things than that you know a vegetarian diet can be just as varied as a meat eaters
    i had no choice, poor people don't choose to be vegetarians.
    when poor people don't have meat and can only eat wild vegetables and grain, it's called starvation and malnutrition.

    Quote Originally Posted by golden arhat View Post
    i feel healthy i eat well and i eat a balanced diet all without killing anything

    with a human brain u should be able to make the concsious decision to avoid killing other sentient beings

    if u do purely because u like the taste then that is just selfish

    what is more evil than that ?
    if you don't eat meat you will die. you can't live on vegetable alone.
    if you live a sheltered life, always eat clean food in plastic packages then of course are afraid of blood. but you have no right to call poeple evil.

    you say you know mma but now you say you dont' spar full contact. if you can't even hurt a bird, how can you hurt a man.
    Quote Originally Posted by golden arhat View Post
    its called sparring not FIGHTING or HURTING
    if you don't fight for real, do you have legitimacy to critisize gong fu.
    Last edited by bawang; 12-13-2007 at 07:20 PM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by golden arhat View Post

    why are they made of meat?

    you are made of meat can i kill and eat you if i feel like it ? i dont need to eat u as i can survive on other stuff but i think u'l taste good so can i eat you ?

    your dog looks tasty can i eat him ?

    what makes u or any animal worth more than another ?
    Morals. thats it. Your morals say eating meat is bad, mine say prepared correctly its delicious. My morals say that cannabilism and eating dogs is wrong but there are people who will eat pretty much anything. I know people who are allergic to fruit, does that mean that eating fruit is amoral?

    This is a question of personality, no one is going to get convinced of anything other than person A disagrees with the views of person B.
    Everyone's favorite wooden dummy

    "All over people thinking martial arts is for making sexy body. That one is a wrong. Martial art is for making sexy mind and sexy spirit"- Master Po

    Don't be a victim. Be the dominant turkey.

  5. #20
    Every living being eats something that was once alive.

    Eating animals does not have to equal animal abuse or unethical treatment. Unfortunately, in reality, it usually does. An animal can live a good life and be killed humanely for food. It's just too bad that it usually doesn't happen that way. I don't mind so much that animals are eaten but I'm saddened by the abuse they endure in life.

    "the natural thing to do is to use the advanced mind that humans have..."

    When have humans ever done that? Do you watch the news? I'm beginning to feel we don't have advanced minds at all. Sure we can wear suits and drive to work but humans are doubt about it. We're intelligent enough to have world peace by now but we don't. We're full of all kinds of sin.

    Also, anyone who's ever used paper or has gone to the supermarket and used a plastic bag has killed animals. Trees are cut down and animals killed in the process. They also choke on the plastic bags that end up dumped in the ocean. Our industrial emissions (cars, factories) pollute and kill. There's nothing a human being can do to avoid the fact that our existence and use of natural resources is destroying the environment and killing animals at the same time.
    Last edited by Anthony; 12-13-2007 at 07:48 PM.

  6. #21
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    Circle of life people.
    Its not a question of what we eat, its a question of not taking more than we give.
    No need to over endulge in food.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by golden arhat View Post
    reading what ????

    u can make other food appear

    in fact being a vegetarian costs u less as vegetables dont need constant atention or feeding and are grown in much greater quantities so theyre cheaper

    why are they made of meat?

    you are made of meat can i kill and eat you if i feel like it ? i dont need to eat u as i can survive on other stuff but i think u'l taste good so can i eat you ?

    your dog looks tasty can i eat him ?

    what makes u or any animal worth more than another ?
    The being made of meat was a joke. The fact that I atributed it to comedians should have made that clear... I fully respect your veiws on animals. I don't happen to share them. If you make a point of buying free range meat, you know for a fact the animals were raised as animals and not a cash crop. It costs more, but then most things of good quality do...
    Quote Originally Posted by Oso View Post
    you're kidding? i would love to drink that beer just BECAUSE it's in a dead animal...i may even pick up the next dead squirrel i see and stuff a budweiser in it

  8. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Becca View Post
    The being made of meat was a joke. The fact that I atributed it to comedians should have made that clear... I fully respect your veiws on animals. I don't happen to share them. If you make a point of buying free range meat, you know for a fact the animals were raised as animals and not a cash crop. It costs more, but then most things of good quality do...
    so if someone takes u down to a stake house wouldu eat a stake

    it isnt free range and u dont know where its from
    wouldu still eat it ?
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony View Post
    Every living being eats something that was once alive.

    "the natural thing to do is to use the advanced mind that humans have..."

    When have humans ever done that? Do you watch the news? I'm beginning to feel we don't have advanced minds at all. Sure we can wear suits and drive to work but humans are doubt about it. We're intelligent enough to have world peace by now but we don't. We're full of all kinds of sin.

    well why dont u start with yourself and work to make things right instead of chalking it up that it would never work cos humans are bad

    thats the kind of mentality that puts us in the state we are in

    1 person can make a huge diffference
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

  10. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Mook Jong View Post
    Morals. thats it. Your morals say eating meat is bad, mine say prepared correctly its delicious. My morals say that cannabilism and eating dogs is wrong but there are people who will eat pretty much anything. I know people who are allergic to fruit, does that mean that eating fruit is amoral?

    why is canibalism wrong ? its still flesh ? it might taste great

    providing u dont eat the brain it wont make u any more healthy or unhealthy than eating any other meat

    why is eating a pig okay but a dog isnt ? pigs are smarter than dogs

    fruit ? what does that have to do with anything ?
    they cant eat fruit and ??

    my morals tell me that killing when its not absolutley essential is wrong
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

  11. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    i had no choice, poor people don't choose to be vegetarians.
    india is a prime example of where mopre than 4 5ths are poor
    witha population of almost 1 billion

    most people there are vegetarians because of moral and religious reasons there are plenty of animals they can choose to eat them if they want

    but they dont
    and they are poor

    so u are wrong, simple
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post

    when poor people don't have meat and can only eat wild vegetables and grain, it's called starvation and malnutrition. .
    read the previous example i just gave you
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    if you don't eat meat you will die. you can't live on vegetable alone.
    thast the stupidest thing ive ever heard

    i should be dead then ive not had meat for 2 years !

    most of india (most are hindu and therefore vegetarian) should be dead

    buddhist monks

    all the millions of other vegetarians

    why arent they dead ?

    why do meat eaters have higher risk of cancer ?

    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post

    if you don't fight for real, do you have legitimacy to critisize gong fu .
    i do fight for real, i dont go out of my way to hurt people
    i defend myself
    ive never killed anyone
    ur logic is flawed

    i dont kill people when i spar,
    we are all still friends
    Last edited by golden arhat; 12-14-2007 at 08:39 AM.
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Pound Town
    Quote Originally Posted by golden arhat View Post
    india is a prime example of where mopre than 4 5ths are poor
    witha population of almost 1 billion

    most people there are vegetarians because of moral and religious reasons there are plenty of animals they can choose to eat them if they want

    but they dont
    and they are poor

    so u are wrong, simple
    they choose to be vegetarian is BS, they can't afford meat .these people aren't healthy. a lot of them are starving and wasting away. when i had no money to buy meat i lost 20 pound in one month and i looked like a skeleton. not everybody can find rare exotic plants that can replace animal nutrients, or buy supplements.
    Last edited by bawang; 12-14-2007 at 09:00 AM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  13. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    they choose to be vegetarian is BS, they can't afford meat .these people aren't healthy. a lot of them are starving and wasting away. when i had no money to buy meat i lost 20 pound in one month and i looked like a skeleton. not everybody can find rare exotic plants that can replace animal nutrients, or buy supplements.
    rare exotic plants ?

    carrots ?

    potatoes ?

    vegetables are the easiest thigns to find

    they are farmed in huge quantities

    half of the wheat grown goes to cows

    10 grams of wheat eaten equate to about 1 gram of meat on the cow

    the entire nation of india is unhealthy ?

    so are cows unhealthy ? they are vegetarian

    face it people live healthy lives as vegetarians

    i'm not skinny i'm 12 stone and a vegetarian and i am 6 ft tall my growth hasnt suffered

    people do not die without meat
    people can be healthy without meat

    face it

    you are wrong
    Last edited by golden arhat; 12-14-2007 at 09:08 AM.
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

  14. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    they choose to be vegetarian is BS, they can't afford meat .these people aren't healthy. a lot of them are starving and wasting away. when i had no money to buy meat i lost 20 pound in one month and i looked like a skeleton. not everybody can find rare exotic plants that can replace animal nutrients, or buy supplements.
    they do choose to be a vegetarian
    its part of their religion

    they are hindu

    cows wallk on the streets and cars stop for them
    anybody could simply kill one and eat one if they wanted to
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

  15. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    they choose to be vegetarian is BS, they can't afford meat .these people aren't healthy. a lot of them are starving and wasting away. when i had no money to buy meat i lost 20 pound in one month and i looked like a skeleton. not everybody can find rare exotic plants that can replace animal nutrients, or buy supplements.
    spinach has iron in it most veg are packed with vitamins

    they all have protein in them

    how are they exotic or rare ?
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

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