A form complete or incomplete doesn't mean on the form playing shown in the video only. the way how to play and individual technique applications are also the major concerned. RC, according to what you said above and HS email dated 17 Feb to you and sifu Yung, you and HS totally show your dishonesty to Sifu Yung, lying to him, just for SCWC stuff only.

Quote from Facebook :

[ Those claim themself researchers, actually they are collectors. They come to you for what, just for what they want. They can say a lot, just for what the information you have. Baisee, then what they claim sufficient enough, the quit. Then show what they gain to the public. two American Chineses (RCHS), they are really dishonest, and not respect to others. They are really making other real researchers difficult to study from other lineages. Very poor and bad guys. From above, you can see what a fake buddhist said, but is still very active in the public forum to promote his theories and his findings. It shows how a liar behaves on one side and does on the other side.]

Quote from Kung Fu Magazine forum :


[04-02-2014, 12:00 PM #260 VT Andy VT Andy is offline
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[[Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Fong View Post
Robert claimed himself reading SCWC secret document. Did his baisee just for the document ? If it is, really sick on him. Today, both these guys betrayed SCWC, and going to Sifu Sergio. There should be a big deal there!!!]]

Hello again, and Chunner.

I just catching up on reading. I think the betrayal is not so much regards to how there is intentional misinterpretation and abuse source material for their own supposed views of history which is the implied agenda, but the betrayal is once someone Baisee then loyalty and character must come first in order to earn deeper knowledge in the art. Someone mentioned that there is in door and in room category of Baisee with many regulations to follow. So Robert and Hendrik Baisee to Sifu Yung then must have lied to him about swearing loyalty which shows very bad character and as Sifu Yung said NO ethics and nonsense. Then by this betrayal is to mean no loyalty and no ethics.

Then next I think Robert and Hendrik run to Sergio with whatever info they got without giving credit back to Sifu Yung. I can definitely see from Sifu Yung standpoint he feels very used and taken advantage by them at least on this point if not more things. If they swore their loyalty to him with baisee then turn around and done those things then I can see why he says betrayed. They did not respect the Baisee regulations of SCWCM is only conclusion.

Hendril and Robert never really respect any Sifu ever do they? Since the days of lee Moy Shan and Moy yat rejecting Robert so he left with incomplete training. He trained a bit in HK and back to the states, eventually hooked up with Hawkins Cheung in LA in late 80’s but friends tell me he didn’t learn the whole system so more incomplete training. Did he ever complete the system under a single sifu from beginning to end? I don’t think so. He is more like a collector so he sticks around only enough to get what he thinks is work and bargains with people who know what he doesn’t and trades to get what he wants. All while also attacking other Sifus and spreading rumors around causing politics and mess. How can anyone take this guy as serious when he demonstrates over and over no commitment? is he a history researcher and WC expert, or information collector with incomplete training? If I want advice and expertise on fixing my car or marriage or Ving Tsun I won’t go to someone with a similar history and education as him.

This guy collects info because his WC has always ever been incomplete so he has to make up his own stuff, take from others. Just looking at this history I don’t think it is far stretch to see he really has no loyalty only to himself. What does that mean? Look at this most recent event with him baisee to Sifu Yung SCWCM. His word will ALWAYS be suspect.

Andy ]


To MeRobert ChuJack Chang
Feb 17

1. Be able to make Happy is a great thing Robert and I will do.

2. Great that you met Sergio and have first hand understanding on him and the possibility for further program. My best wishes for you and him. I am sure there are alots of things you can teaches him on the history and culture of Wck. Also, you guys sure will come up with good videos for Wck history and SCWC to share with the world.

3. I have made my decision to wash my hand on Wck and become a full time Buddhist since my mission in Wck is completed. That is what I like to do here on with lots of good memories in Wck.

Best regards

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