Quote Originally Posted by SoCo KungFu View Post
Yep, overfishing of sharks has lead to numerous cases of predator release on mesopredators in ocean communities. These spikes in mid trophic levels have all sorts of disastrous consequences. Mesopredators begin predating increasingly on herbivorous fish, which results in increased algae. Algae cover kills reefs. Reefs are not only freaking awesome to dive in, but are incredibly economically important to commercial fisheries that rely on the reefs as spawning grounds for their catch.
Simply put, Chinese culture can go screw itself in this regard. Chinese consumption of shark is harming ecosystems and the economies of those who rely on those ecosystems, the world over.

<snipped> but lots of good stuff you posted in a nutshell. I'm not in the fishing trade, but I think it should be mandatory that they make all fishermen pass some kind of environmental/bio type tests in order to get their commercial fishing license. Then force them to take Continuing Education in order to renew their licenses ever 2-3 years like other industries do.

As an Asian, I'll be the first say that Asians will screw the crap out of the environment and not give a crap. Over-harvesting, poaching, not throwing back babies, etc. All of that Kung-Fu spiritualism, one with nature joint....are just KF movie BS.