Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
If we look at the "inner hook (Ouchi Gari)", this clip shows the footwork.


This clip shows the set up.


This clip shows how to use it against noncompliant opponent.


What more information do you need? You first train your legs. After you get used to your legwork, you then train your hands. The hands move can be more complicated because in combat situation, your opponent won't allow you to grab him as shown in those clips.

After you have learned the "inner hook", you will find out that the "leg lift", "leg twist", and "front cut" can all be learned exactly the same way, with the same footwork, and the same set up. Now you will have 4 tools in your toolbox. This is why a teacher should help you to develop those tools that you need by starting from

- foootwork,
- set up,
- execution,

and not just fill you up with form after form.

This is the "traditional way to teach" a throwing art. Why the traditional striking art doesn't use this approach? I still don't understand even today.

Check out this KO with Harai Goshi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRNHFuNL0mc