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Thread: Dark Knight Rises

  1. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by wenshu View Post
    After the opening action sequence until well into the second half of the film when they enter Cillian Murphy's character's dream is about an hour of just DiCaprio explaining all the rules. That's not good storytelling.

    I didn't mean the ability to understand the literary references (to your point, those ARE explained in the movie; "Oh My God You're Ernest Hemmingway!") I meant the underlying mechanics of the plot gimmick that the movies hinged on.

    People thought Inception was confusing because of Nolan's inability to form a coherent continuity between all the different action that happens simultaneously. This goes back to the chase scene in The Dark Knight.

    You make a good point about dumbing it down; Nolan is basically a glorified Micheal Bay. Not that there is anything wrong with that, Micheal Bay can be quite entertaining. Maybe Nolan could learn a thing or two from him about how to stage and cut an action sequence.
    well going so far as comparing him to michael bay is just trifling....i smell a hater.... first you say he took all this time explaining the film, and it was unnecessary, then after i dismember that with the fact that a 100million dollar movie isnt made for "the film club of america" but for the masses around the world. you say he had an inability at doing it. i actually didnt have a problem with the film at i said i enjoyed the work the effort..the technique... its not dumbing it down its making it ever watch a french film called "le samourai? was directed by a filmmaker called jean peirre melville...its a brilliant film, so brilliant that elements from it can be seen in almost every action film, and it wasnt technically an action film, it was film noir. there was a film that was simple, minimalist is the word used, but brilliant. inception was something different from the normal hollywood block buster, the techniques employed especially the explosion scene shot in france, which wasnt done digitally but using compressed air, was nothing short of brilliant. nolan had to explain to people what exactly was going on, the assault of information was going to undoubtedly confuse people and i would go so far as to say it was purposely done. same thing with batman he did something different, the he took a franchise which was basically in place so that warners could make billions from the merchandising and turn it on its ear completely revamping it and bringing it into a sorta neo-realism. give the man his credit! dont hate appreciate.

  2. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by doug maverick View Post
    agreed. and i think i mentioned this and someone else did as well..youll never get a batman movie that is as cerebral as the comics are...just wont happened...i think thats what i like about the sherlock holmes movies. its what batman should be.
    Sherlock Holmes also handles the mental illness aspect of it. The Bat movies always seem to gloss over the fact that Wayne is mentally ill.

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by doug maverick View Post
    first you say he took all this time explaining the film, and it was unnecessary, then after i dismember that with the fact that a 100million dollar movie isnt made for "the film club of america" but for the masses around the world. you say he had an inability at doing it.
    Where exactly did I say that?

    Call me a hater cause I think that he is overrated, I'll call you a slobbering fanboy cause your riding his dick. It's not "dismember", it's "his member".

    However overrated I think he may be, I'm still going to watch the shit out of The Dark Knight Rises and probably any other movie he makes.

  4. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by wenshu View Post
    Where exactly did I say that?

    Call me a hater cause I think that he is overrated, I'll call you a slobbering fanboy cause your riding his dick. It's not "dismember", it's "his member".

    However overrated I think he may be, I'm still going to watch the shit out of The Dark Knight Rises and probably any other movie he makes.
    im actually not a slobbering fanboy..nor am i **** riding...but you are calling someone overrated, who i believe he the second coming no...but he is a good director plain and simple. lets not degrade ourselves to name calling. film like all art is a matter of opinion and you are entitled to yours however snobbish it maybe. but next time you decide if someone is overrated ask yourself if you could do better, truly ask yourself...the answer will be NO! you cant. i personally think most people who get into over analyzing a movies flaws are people who dont have the balls to do it themselves...go out there write a script and make a film, and after you see how hard it is, how much work goes into it. then come back.

  5. #80
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    here's my 2 cents.

    i didn't see anything wrong with inception. the explaining how the dream works was part of the story because he hired the new girl with no experience. if you couldn't understand the dream layers, you must be an idiot. the film made you think but i don't think it was hard to understand. i saw it multiple times in the theater because i thought it was awesome. not because i was looking for meaning and that B.S.

    i don't see anything incoherent about the dark knight. movie was awesome. would have been awesome if someone else played the joker too. i actually had issues with the way ledger played the joker. but then again actors are allowed to do their artistic interpretation on things and it worked for the film.

    want to talk about inconsistent, lets talk transformers 3. going from d.c. to Chicago in minutes. no sense of time in that thing. but who cares its an action film and it entertained the hell out of me.
    Last edited by BakShaolinEC; 12-21-2011 at 09:39 AM.

  6. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by doug maverick View Post
    i personally think most people who get into over analyzing a movies flaws are people who dont have the balls to do it themselves...go out there write a script and make a film, and after you see how hard it is, how much work goes into it. then come back.
    I personally think people who refuse to accept criticism of things they admire attack the taste, motivation and background of the critic rather than address the actual short comings.

  7. #82
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    i havent refused anything...nor have i said you were stated your opinion i offered my counter opinion...are you the type of person who believes that everyone who doesnt agree with them are morons and fanboys? no i dont think you are. we all have our opinions..lets try not to knock each other for i said you had your points, i just disagreed.

  8. #83
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    Fair enough.

  9. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    ...that's what I meant by Julie. ummm...yeah. No nipple shots.

    This is racist! Racist I say!!!! LMAO
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  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by doug maverick View Post
    agreed. and i think i mentioned this and someone else did as well..youll never get a batman movie that is as cerebral as the comics are...just wont happened...i think thats what i like about the sherlock holmes movies. its what batman should be.
    I'm going to agree wholeheartedly with Douglas on this one. Sherlock Holmes is much more cleverly written, the dialogue to match the action and the acting makes it superior. Hollywood kills most of the dialogue and character development in favor of special effects and action. Even the Iron Man movies are superior in this respect as well.

    Don't get me wrong I likes me some Batman, the Micheal Keaton and Christian Bale ones were fact, the Christian Bale one could have even been better...loved the whole Tibetan theme.

    Sherlock Holmes is actually the first American Made movie that I'll go see in the theaters...90% of the shows I watch are either foreign flicks or something original series on Shotime/HBO/AMC etc...
    "if its ok for shaolin wuseng to break his vow then its ok for me to sneak behind your house at 3 in the morning and bang your dog if buddha is in your heart then its ok"-Bawang

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  11. #86
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    Shooting in Colorado

    Gunman kills 12 at 'Dark Knight' premiere
    By Keith Coffman and Stephanie Simon, Reuters

    AURORA, Colo. - A masked gunman killed 12 people at a midnight premiere of the new Batman movie in a suburb of Denver early on Friday, sparking pandemonium when he hurled a gas canister into the auditorium and opened fire on moviegoers.

    About 50 others including children were hurt in the attack on the showing of “The Dark Knight Rises” in a mall in the Aurora suburb, some of whom were treated for the effects of tear gas, hospital officials said.

    “This is one of the most horrific nights I’ve ever had to work,” said Comilla Sasson, an emergency doctor at University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora where 22 patients ranging in age from three months to 45 years arrived in private cars, police cars and ambulances.

    Police took the suspect into custody in the parking lot behind the theatre, Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates told a news conference.

    Multiple media outlets named the suspect as James Eagan Holmes, 24, though Reuters could not independently confirm his identity.

    The gunman appeared at the front of the theatre during the movie and released a canister which let out a hissing sound before gunfire erupted, police said.

    Dozens of police were at the scene, and the authorities evacuated the area while they checked for any explosive devices. They said there was no evidence of a second gunman.

    Police also searched the suspect’s apartment building, breaking into a second-floor window after officers had been lifted in a crane, looking for explosives after the suspect made statements about explosives in his home. Police and sheriff’s deputies from several jurisdictions swarmed the scene with heavy weaponry trucks from the bomb squad.

    “When we got out of the theatre it was just chaos. There was this one who guy was on all fours crawling. There was this girl spitting up blood,” witness Donovan Tate told KCNC television. “There were bullet holes in some people’s backs, some people’s arms. There was this one guy who was stripped down to just his boxers. It looked like he was shot in the back or something. It was crazy.”

    Confusion reigned as shooting broke out during an action scene in the summer blockbuster, one of more highly anticipated films of the year. He may have blended in with other movie-goers who wore costumes as heroes and villains.

    “He looked like he was in the military or like he was a SWAT person so he just kind of blended in with the chaos of the crowd. People thought he was probably like a cop or something,” witness Jennifer Seeger told NBC’s Today.

    “He came in and threw in the gas can and then I knew it was real. He shot the ceiling and right after he shot the ceiling he pointed the gun right at me. At that point I dove into the aisle. And I got lucky because he didn’t shoot me,” she said.

    President Barack Obama, who was notified of the shooting early on Friday morning by his homeland security adviser, John Brennan, urged Americans to “stand together” with the people of Aurora in the hours and days to come.

    “Michelle and I are shocked and saddened by the horrific and tragic shooting in Colorado. Federal and local law enforcement are still responding, and my administration will do everything that we can to support the people of Aurora in this extraordinarily difficult time,” Obama said in a statement.

    “As we do when confronted by moments of darkness and challenge, we must now come together as one American family,” he added.


    Colorado has suffered mass killings in the past. In 1999, two students opened fire at Columbine High School in the suburb of Littleton, also near Denver, killing 12 students and a teacher.

    Aurora Police spokesman Frank Fania said the suspect was carrying a knife, a rifle and a handgun when arrested, and one other gun was recovered from the theatre. The gunman was also wearing a bulletproof vest.

    “He did not resist, he did not put up a fight,” Fania said.

    Chandler Brannon, 25, who had been watching the movie with his girlfriend, said that about 20 minutes into the movie he saw a smoke bomb go off and heard what sounded like fireworks. He later realized they were a rapid volley of gunshots.

    “I told my girlfriend to just play dead,” he told Reuters, adding that he never got a full view of the gunman. “All I could see was a silhouette.”

    One man told an NBC affiliate he was in the adjacent theatre watching another screening of the Batman movie when he heard gunshots and the theatre filled with thick, choking smoke.

    He saw bullets holes in the wall, and some people in his theatre were wounded. “I heard moaning ... they were in pain.”

    Fania said police received the first call about the shooting at 12:39 a.m. local time (06:39 GMT) and responded within “a minute or two.”

    Local hospitals were alerted to a “mass casualty incident.” Fania told NBC News that 10 of the victims died in the theatre and two died in the hospital.


    In New York, police will deploy officers at screenings of “The Dark Knight Rises” throughout the city “as a precaution against copycats,” Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said in a statement.

    Time Warner-owned Warner Bros., the studio behind the film, cancelled its premiere in Paris.

    “Warner Bros. is deeply saddened to learn about this shocking incident. We extend our sincere sympathies to the families and loved ones of the victims at this tragic time,” spokeswoman Jessica Zacholl said.

    The film, with a budget of $250 million US, opened on 4,404 screens, the second widest release ever behind Twilight: Eclipse, and industry analysts had said it stood a good chance of matching or beating the opening weekend box office record of $207 million set by Disney’s Avengers in May.

    The prior release in the Batman series, The Dark Knight, has grossed more than $1 billion at the worldwide box office since its release in 2008.

    (Additional reporting by Stephanie Simon and Cynthia Johnston; Editing by Daniel Trotta and Vicki Allen)
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
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  12. #87
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    psychopaths. They are everywhere. But in America, they can get guns easier.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    psychopaths. They are everywhere. But in America, they can get guns easier.
    You forget that shooting we had here this week too...
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  14. #89
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    that crucial martial arts tie-in...

    Anyone going this weekend?
    Local Veterans, Martial Arts Performer Play Mercenaries In Batman Movie
    July 19, 2012 8:24 PM
    Reporting Dave Crawley

    PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — During the filming of “The Dark Knight Rises” in Pittsburgh last year, a call went out for military veterans and martial arts specialists.

    They were needed to play the roles of villain Bane’s elite corps of mercenaries.

    Filming took place on very hot days in Oakland, and in Heinz Field.

    “Ninety degree weather, 90 degree humidity,” says Navy veteran Ryan Stolar. “You’re sweating like crazy. But it’s such a rush doing it, you really don’t think about all that.”

    Army vet Richard Dudzik says his military training helped.

    “Working with the weaponry and the martial arts and hand-to-hand combat puts us in the mindset to know exactly what time to work and what time to play,” said Dudzik.

    Martial arts performer Matt Friday says they also know how to pull their punches.

    “In my martial arts training, we were trained very well at self-control,” Friday said. “You know, to come practically close to hitting someone without actually hitting them.”

    However, Army veteran Mike Vanno admits it didn’t always work out that way.

    “But there are some times that people did get punched and bled and all that fun stuff,” he said. “It’s just inevitable, it’s going to happen.”

    The “mercenaries” from Pittsburgh did so well that New York casting directors invited them to take part in the penultimate battle on Wall Street.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  15. #90
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    Wow - WTF?!?!

    This is horrible

    Gunman kills 12 in Colorado movie theater
    By Michael Pearson, CNN
    updated 12:14 PM EDT, Fri July 20, 2012

    (CNN) -- A heavily armed gunman attacked an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater early Friday, tossing tear gas before opening fire on the terrified audience and killing 12 and wounding 38, authorities said. The theater was showing the new Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises."

    One of the injured was just 3 months old, hospital workers said.

    The shooting unfolded inside a darkened theater packed with Batman fans, some in costume for the movie's premiere. Screaming, panicked moviegoers scrambled to escape from the black-clad gunman, who wore a gas mask and randomly shot as he walked up the theater's steps, witnesses said.

    Police officers swarming to the theater encountered bloody, groaning victims streaming out of the theater. Others remained inside, many with gruesome injuries, according to recordings of emergency calls with dispatchers.

    Victims flooded overwhelmed hospitals.

    "I don't know how else to explain it, it's horrific," said Tracy Lauzon, director of EMS and trauma services at Aurora Medical Center.

    The shooter was identified by two federal law enforcement officers as James Holmes, 24, of Aurora. He had at least four guns -- an "AK type" rifle, a shotgun and two handguns, a federal law enforcement official told CNN. The official also said the shooter used tear gas.

    After the suspect told police there was a bomb at his apartment, officers went there and found a "very sophisticated" booby trap inside, Aurora police Chief Dan Oates told reporters.

    Police arrested the man shortly after the shooting ended in a rear parking lot of the theater, Frank Fania, a police spokesman, told CNN.

    "He did not resist. He did not put up a fight," Fania said. Police seized a rifle and a handgun from the suspect, and another gun was found in the theater, he said. It was unclear where law enforcement found a second handgun.

    The suspect was tentatively scheduled to appear in a Colorado courtroom on Monday, although no formal charges have been filed, according to the Colorado Office of the State Court Administrator.

    Oates said there was no evidence of a second gunman, and FBI spokesman Jason Pack said it did not appear the incident was related to terrorism.

    Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper issued a statement saying the shooting was "not only an act of extreme violence, it is also an act of depravity."

    "It is beyond the power of words to fully express our sorrow this morning," he said.

    President Barack Obama canceled campaign events Friday, telling supporters at what had been scheduled as a rally in Forty Myers, Florida, that "there will be other days for politics."

    "This will be a day for prayer and reflection," he said, calling for the country to unite as one and support the victims.

    "Such violence, such evil is senseless. It is beyond reason," he said before ending the event to return to Washington.

    Chaos broke out during the showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" at the Century Aurora 16 theater when the shooting began, police and witnesses said.

    The gunman went to the rear door of the theater and propped it open, then tossed a canister before starting to shoot, according to a federal law enforcement source involved in the investigation.

    A federal law enforcement official told CNN the man used tear gas.

    One moviegoer, who was not identified, told KUSA the gunman was wearing a gas mask.

    Some people in the audience thought the thick smoke and gunfire were a special effect accompanying the movie, police and witnesses said.

    The smoke smelled like a Fourth of July firework, said CNN iReporter Adam Witt. It took a few gunshots before he figured out what was going on.

    "I hit the floor and hid behind the seats in front of me, pulling my wife down to hide with me," Witt said. "It was the longest minute of my life. The gunshots just kept coming. I knew it could be over any second. I knew my wife could be gone any second. It was absolutely surreal. I felt something hit my left arm, and my first thought was, 'At least it's just my arm.'"

    "There were so many people running," he said. "I didn't look back. I just remember getting up from the floor and shouting, 'We have to run.'"

    Witt said he held his wife's hand as they rushed out of the theater.

    "There was a moment where I lost her hand, but I grabbed her shirt," he said. "We didn't let go of each other."

    Quentin Caldwell, who was attending a screening in the adjacent theater, said he wasn't sure at first what was going on, despite hearing a "pop, pop, pop, pop" sound.

    "We really didn't know something was happening until someone came from the left entrance and said we should not go outside because somebody with a gun was out there," he said.

    Armed guards appeared at the theater exit and demanded audience members raise their arms to ensure they were not carrying weapons, then told them to run, Caldwell said.

    "Outside was chaos. There was wounded everywhere," he said.

    Cell phone video taken by someone at the theater showed scores of people screaming and fleeing the building. Some had blood on their clothes.

    A police officer carried a girl believed to be about 9 with gunshot wounds to her back out of the theater, a witness said. "She wasn't moving."

    Officers rushed many of the wounded to hospitals in their patrol cars.

    Authorities also evacuated the suspect's Aurora apartment building after he made a statement about explosives in his unit, Oates said.

    Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents went to his home to search for explosives, agency spokesman Tom Mangan said.

    Law enforcement officers who searched the suspect's apartment found "items of interest," a federal law enforcement source involved in the investigation told HLN. He did not elaborate.

    A woman who lives across the street from where the suspect is believed to live said police evacuated her building around 4 a.m.

    "They told us there was a bomb or bomb material located in the house across the street from us." Rebecca Bradshaw said.

    In addition to looking into the possibility of explosives, ATF agents also are conducting emergency traces on the weapons to see how they were obtained, Mangan said.

    Authorities also searched the suspect's car in the parking lot of the movie theater.

    Police initially said 14 people had died -- 10 in the theater and four at area hospitals -- but revised the death toll to 12 later Friday morning, according to Aurora Police Lt. Jad Lanigan.

    Several people remained in critical condition at area hospitals.

    Of the wounded, at least 20 were being treated at the University of Colorado Hospital, said spokeswoman Jacque Montgomery. All of the wounded suffered from gunshot wounds, which ranged from minor to critical, she said.

    "They're arriving by police, by ambulance. Some are walking in," she said.

    The victims being treated there ranged in age from 3 months to 45, the hospital said.

    Denver Health Center had six patients from the shooting, one in critical condition and five in fair condition, said Shelly Davis, house supervisor.

    Swedish Health Center spokeswoman Nicole Williams said her hospital was treating three people, two of them in critical condition and one in fair condition. A fourth patient with minor injuries was treated and released, she said.

    Parker Adventist Hospital was treating two people for minor injuries, according to a spokeswoman.

    Hundreds of police officers descended on the theater, and the FBI has joined the investigation.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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