
With all due respect anyone who has ever been in a real knife encounter will most likely be the first to admit that when you face a knife you will be cut. Sorry, to disagree or burst anyones bubble, but the reality of things is that when one, or both have a blade, getting cut is to be expected. Having said that, the concept of offering a limb is to minimze where one gets cut as much as possible and to minimize the damage. Also, when a limb is offered, the idea is to take a small cut in order to allow you to get a killing or more serious cut/stab/thrust to the opponent.

All of the techniques showing the controlling of the knife hand are mostly unrealistic and will result in getting cut by any competent knife fighter. Someone who knows how to use a knife will not be presenting single attacks but will have a constant flow and move the knife constantly in unpredictable patterns. Or, they will hide the blade until they attack and you won't even know the knife is there until you have been cut.

Try playing around with magic markers and try to write/mark/cut your opponent with the tip. See just how well you can avoid getting marked and then try it again with the idea of taking a cut on the outside of the arm or less vital area in order to allow you to get a fatal or incapacitating blow in. Come back and post here with your experience and the results.

The goal is to not get cut. The reality is that in almost all cases you will get cut. You should prepare yourself mentally as well as physically to accept you will be injured and determine to carry on no matter what.

That is my opinion for what it is worth.