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Thread: There is no such thing as authentic Wing Chun

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    if you are not interested in straight technical talk and expecting sensitive caring chat; please ignore my post because my intention is technical only ; and have much less caring for giving face social chat type.

    There are much much much worse intentional personal attack / insulting posts toward me in this thread and I choose to ignore them instead of being sensitive. how is that compare with the comon straight talk toward you in my post? I hope you see that too.
    There is nothing more for me to say. I try to stay away from negative energy. If I have nothing better to say, I'll keep my mouth shut.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    As for your teacher, you are not equal to your teacher. so stop pull your teacher in.
    I'll never compare myself to my teacher, but why do you want to say that to someone you have never met?
    Last edited by YouKnowWho; 05-14-2011 at 12:00 AM.

  2. #92
    I have never posted any personal attack/insulting on you. There is no need to redirect your negative energy toward me.

    My post is simply saying

    I could be more considerate on your sensitive and you could be less sensitive.

    I like to be nice because everyone always has the room to grow to be better. But nice is a two way street.

    I don't think your intention is "technique only".

    I say technology that is very different then your "technique only'. so please dont twist my word.

    When was the last time that you post any youtube clips about your

    - snake engine?
    - 6 direction force vector?
    - 2 doors?
    I'm very interested to see your "personal" clips if you don't mind to show us.

    Snake enginee, 6 direction force vectors and 2 doors are all in this youtube fully explain since years ago. any one who knows the topic could identify them.

    Where is your Taichi set demonstration you say you going to post months ago?
    Last edited by Hendrik; 05-14-2011 at 12:20 AM.

  3. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post

    I'll never compare myself to my teacher, but why do you want to say that to someone you have never met?

    you post the following.

    By saying that, you have just implied that I don't understand the real and advance TCMA. You have also implied that my teacher is not real and advance. Can you see what I'm trying to point it out to you? You may not realize yourself that the way you expressed your opinion just offend others big time.

    why do you brought your teacher in the above post?

    and my reply to your post is

    Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    As for your teacher, you are not equal to your teacher. so stop pull your teacher in.
    meaning it is a simple direct explicit comment I made on your understanding of TCMA what is that got to do with your teacher and all the implication?

    and now you are posting as I am the person bringing you teacher in.

    why make life so complex and travelling off topic?

    I have to say I am sorry, this is my last reply to you. you are thinking in a different frequency and I feel drain into off topic and wasting my energy . Thanks for the chat. Good luck.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 05-14-2011 at 12:42 AM.

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Where is your Taichi set demonstration you say you going to post months ago?
    Don't remember I said that but here it is.

  5. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post

    Thanks for the clips.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    That is because you have never expose to real and advance TCMA.
    I have never exposed to real and advance TCMA &
    I have exposed to my teacher
    -> my teacher is not real and advance.

  7. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    I have never exposed to real and advance TCMA &
    I have exposed to my teacher
    -> my teacher is not real and advance.

    Ok. That is your logic.

    We sure are different.

    My experience,

    I am a student of the late Chan Patriach Hsuan Hua and I am a follower of the late Ma Li-Tang the internal TCMA expert in China.

    I am clueless on advance level cultivation of Chan and internal TCMA of my teachers. That is because my low level kung fu not allow me to understand the state they are in.

    and it got nothing todo with my teacher is not real and advance because of my lack of kung fu cultivation.

    So, it got nothing todo with who is my sifus, it got all to do with do I have the Kung fu to grasp what it is. I can be living with my sifus 24/7/365 days and still clueless.


    when others told me I dont know what i am talking, I ask what is it and verify it, instead of get sensitive, demand respect, and bring up my sifus which got nothing to do with the subject but a off mark for something else to gain control.

    That is me. and sure we are different. I see your point and accept/ approve of it.

    you are right, as a human we all love to be respect. to always care and respect others is sure a good thing and improve communication, I sure can learn alots to improve myself. however, that is second and third order which doesnt replace the core topic on advance tcma and chasing the respect will become off topic.

    So, let's get back to the topic,
    share with us what is advance TCMA on the topic of how fa jin, Qi, mind, structure ..... etc link together in a systeminc view?
    Last edited by Hendrik; 05-14-2011 at 09:18 AM.

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    as a human we all love to be respect.
    Try to share information to those who does not appreciate (unless you have a business reason) is like to "use your hot face to touch someone's cold ass". It has nothing to do with other's respect but whether you respect yourself or not.

    If it's fun, play, otherwise, don't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    So, let's get back to the topic,
    share with us what is advance TCMA on the topic of how fa jin, Qi, mind, structure ..... etc link together in a systeminc view?
    The Fa Jin, Qi, mind, structure, ... have no interest to me at this point of my life. To me, it's BTDT. I only interest in how to do a good "integration" job for my kick, punch, lock, throw, and ground game. In other words, I'm more interesting to be a good Snashou/Sanda coach. Oneday I don't mind to be a MMA coach after I have enough knowledge in the ground game area.

    Someone told me that there are 3 persons in US who can show me how to use Qi in combat (you may be the 4th person ). I told that person that I'll be more interested to meet someone who can show me a new method to counter a "head lock" instead.

    You can see that in almost all my posts, I strongly encourage people to step outside of their
    area, meet other people, and "cross train". The word "style" has no meaning to me.
    Last edited by YouKnowWho; 05-15-2011 at 03:24 AM.

  9. #99
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    The state that resembles a middle finger.
    I strongly encourage people to step outside of their
    area, meet other people, and "cross train". The word "style" has no meaning to me.
    My very thoughts as well. Very similar way of looking at things.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i had an old taichi lady talk smack behind my back. i mean comon man, come on. if it was 200 years ago,, mebbe i wouldve smacked her and took all her monehs.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i am manly and strong. do not insult me cracker.

  10. #100

    The Fa Jin, Qi, mind, structure, ... have no interest to me at this point of my life. To me, it's BTDT.
    what is a BTDT?

    I only interest in how to do a good "integration" job for my kick, punch, lock, throw, and ground game. In other words, I'm more interesting to be a good Snashou/Sanda coach. Oneday I don't mind to be a MMA coach after I have enough knowledge in the ground game area.
    how old are you?

    Someone told me that there are 3 persons in US who can show me how to use Qi in combat (you may be the 4th person ).
    Who doesnt use Qi in combat?

    I told that person that I'll be more interested to meet someone who can show me a new method to counter a "head lock" instead.

    You can see that in almost all my posts, I strongly encourage people to step outside of their
    area, meet other people, and "cross train". The word "style" has no meaning to me.

    Seems like you just interested in Chatting and get social and doing some MMA instead of investigating what is advance TCMA.

    and that is fine with me.

  11. #101
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    That is the reason many sickness cannot be heal in modern western medicine. Because in general the western medicine take care of the sympton but not the root energy issue.

    A good TCM is balancing the whole system.
    What stats is this assertion based on? What studies back it up?

    How successful has TCM been against pancreatic cancer? Brain tumours? Schizophrenia? And OK, just for fun, erectile disfunction?
    "Once you reject experience, and begin looking for the mysterious, then you are caught!" - Krishnamurti
    "We are all one" - Genki Sudo
    "We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion" - Tool, Parabol/Parabola
    "Bro, you f***ed up a long time ago" - Kurt Osiander

    WC Academy BJJ/MMA Academy Surviving Violent Crime TCM Info
    Don't like my posts? Challenge me!

  12. #102
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    - what is a BTDT?

    Been there done that. I had cross trained the 字门(Zime) system just to learn the advance TCMA - "点穴(Dian Xue) - pressure point attack" skill.

    - how old are you?

    I'll get my medicare card this year.

    - advance TCMA.

    If you can use your skill in combat, a simple punch to the face is "advance". If you can't use your skill in combat, even you can make you Qi to circle through 小周天(Xiao Chou Tien) or 大周天(Da Chou Tien), you are still "low" level. That's the way I look at TCMA anyway.

    I know you are interesting in power generation (snake engine, 6 direction vector force, 2 doors, ...). I'm interesting in "problem solving - how to find the right key to open a certain lock".
    Last edited by YouKnowWho; 05-14-2011 at 08:33 PM.

  13. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    - what is a BTDT?

    Been there done that. I had cross trained the 字门(Zime) system just to learn the advance TCMA - "点穴(Dian Xue) - pressure point attack" skill.

    - how old are you?

    I'll get my medicare card this year.

    - advance TCMA.

    If you can use your skill in combat, a simple punch to the face is "advance". If you can't use your skill in combat, even you can make you Qi to circle through 小周天(Xiao Chou Tien) or 大周天(Da Chou Tien), you are still "low" level. That's the way I look at TCMA anyway.

    I know you are interesting in power generation (snake engine, 6 direction vector force, 2 doors, ...). I'm interesting in "problem solving - how to find the right key to open a certain lock".
    what is the "integration" you are referring to? it sounds like you have moved above and beyond TCMA jin,qi,mind,structure into this "integration" concept. or maybe i misunderstood you to say that you tried it but it didn't work for you or you didn't see how it might be useful/used. as for integration when doing a punch or kick...i'm not sure what could be more "integrated" in the body to deliver energy than fa-jin, when done correctly.

    any punch/kick/energy release done according to TCMA will involve the qi, mind, structure, jin etc. wck is a TCMA, so if you're going to do wck, you're doing TCMA. which means qi, mind, jin etc

    if we're going to be advanced wck players, then these details must be understood. if you have BTDT, then could you please share your understanding of what hendrik asked? its always great to hear other peoples thinking on the subject and i could always learn some more myself.

    what specific problems are you trying to solve?

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by theo View Post
    what could be more "integrated" in the body to deliver energy than fa-jin, when done correctly.
    Fajin is like to build a WMD. To deliver that WMD, it requires:

    1. 時間(Shi Jian) - timing,
    2. 機会(Ji Hui) - opportunity
    3. 角度(Jiao Du) - angle
    4. 力的使用(Li De Shi Yong) - Fajin
    5. 平衡(Ping Heng) - balance

    Fajin is only 1/5 of the combat requirement.

    Combat is 2 person art and not just solo training. The integration of kick, punch, lock, throw, and ground skill is more important than just Fajin.

    In order to solve a problem (such as wrestler's single leg, BJJ's pull guard, ...), we have to understand that problem first. That takes time and effort. We only have limited amout of life time and we can't do everything. If we are more interested in the big picture, sometime we just have to do the best we can in certain area (such as Fajin) and move on.
    Last edited by YouKnowWho; 05-15-2011 at 03:31 AM.

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    My experience,

    I am a student of the late Chan Patriach Hsuan Hua and I am a follower of the late Ma Li-Tang the internal TCMA expert in China.
    You know it sure does help weigh up your contributions to this forum Hendrik when you're honest about your studies. Maybe these two gentlemen are your latest research, because neither practise Wing Chun do they?

    In fact, this thread would be more suited for the Tai Chi Forum as it seems it is directed at 'insulting' Wing Chun practitioners more so than helping anyone of us here. Just my opinon, but I would like to see how you use this knowledge in your SLT. Just once, upload a clip of you practising Wing Chun and I might listen/read more carefully but for now you have lost my attention
    Ti Fei

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