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Thread: lessons from nature

  1. #76
    Mountain: Immoveability, Strength, "Regular" & Irregular FORMation (the ability to look one way, while being seen as something else completely from another angle- the true intention, or "image" is always hidden... unless it wishes to be seen. You can look at a mountain and perceive it in your mind one way, holding to that image and saying "this is what the mountain looks like", only to perceive it from another angle and get a completely different image of that mountain and define it differently than the first time. Yet the mountain hasn't changed much since you looked at it 30 seconds ago [geologically speaking], but it has changed dramatically to the eye at a different angle, becoming a "different" mountain)

    Wind: Communication, Speed, Impenetrability

    Clouds: Interpretation & Symbolism (looking in to the mind's eye, gaining knowledge of self by using the clouds as Rorschach blots)

    Fire: Ferocity, Sudden-ness, Uncontainability (when started "in" a home, it has the tendency of BECOMING the home... until the home no longer is; compare and contrast this to what happens whenever one opponent, through skill and/or brute force overcomes an adversary... the "adversary" is no longer adversary, in that he/she has become follower of the overcoming inertia... even at the behest of itself), Rapid-Growth (the "spreading" of fire)

    Earth: Harmony of Growth ("tuning" one's self to "the way of the earth", as opposed to it, ensures that one will move with the earth- as a composite of powers- rather than, say individually, as a single and often less powerful force), Imbalance (not all things grow/move symmetrically... but this is also Beautiful. Chaos presents infinite opportunities for other "irregular", as-yet-unforeseen opportunities to manifest... providing new ways to learn, experience, grow)

    Water: Waves (the direction of power), Adaptability & Formlessness, Flow/Timing, Anticipatory Power (the idea that, based on the observation of a water's flow/energy, one can project with what force and when a strike will be leveled... think tsunami)

    Night: Invisibility & Concealment (which is also: Sight for the one who knows what to expect, yet Blindness to the one unsuspecting)

    Light & Sun: Blindness & Sight (the right amount of light can enable one to see many things, yet over-abundance of light can be Brilliant... and Blinding)

    Lightning: Visible Power & Double Meaning (you see it, but don't hear it... and if you hear it, it's not called "lightning")

    Thunder: Invisible Power (you hear/feel it, but can't see)

    The Deep Desert: Solitude & Isolation (a removal from all things all patterns offers one the ability to contemplate and breach the lines laid out for oneself; if not self-imposed, than those lain about you by others saying "THIS! is as far as you can go"... usually the words of people who don't want you to surpass them and are as yet unwilling to work on themselves)

    Tibet: Patience & Long-Standing (if you stand against all blows, steadily over time, to the point where the adversary no longer issues blows... you defeat the adversary without fighting)

    Psilocybin and LySergic acid Diethylamide: Freedom & Containment (it's okay for your mind to expand, and it's perfectly understandable why a force that wishes to exude it's control over you, whether it be government or otherwise, would wish that you wouldn't)

    Crude Sexuality and Lovemaking: Tantra (whether it's your intention to pounce upon what attracts you merely for the sake of attraction, or to express yourself in the art of Making Love with two heart-souls joined in the process... what you create, even with the same person, will never always be exactly the same; compare and contrast with sparring or with undergoing anything that could ever be undergone once and no more repeated)

    The "Unseen": everything that's capable of being imagined (or be brought into Manifestation from the Great [Never-Ending] Abyss of The UnManifest) can be brought into being, can be Seen

    Animals (not including, but applying also to man): The Food Chain is Real

    People (in general): are as complex, and yet as simple as Nature- for they are what each of these encompass, and far more. Their Potential must be first Freed, then Harnessed to effect Universal Order/Balance... if the Bodhisattva fail to do this in his/her present incarnation, it will be the task of a later Bodhisattva

    Dust: Mortality & Immortality (that we will all be scattered throughout, one day. On this world and the next, and the next, and the next... our unmanifest selves returning to the manifest worlds to learn, experience, grow: the Infinite in all forms and formlessness becoming/realizing itself as/at One Body, Voice, Soul... Increasing Immortality, Furthering Life and Light, Beauty and Sorrow, Darkness, Love and Freedom, Terror, Contention, Peace and Understanding... Forevermore)
    Last edited by vociferor; 04-16-2011 at 03:46 AM.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Nature is hard and favours the strong.

    Can't find food or defend yourself? You die by default in nature.

    By default.

    That's all you need to know about nature besides the fact you should respect it, know that you are part of it and that you are subject to it and not the other way round.

    It takes tremendous effort to fight nature and no matter what, you cannot ever prevail and to do so is only temporary.

    Get past that, and you can get past anything.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  3. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by vociferor View Post
    Mountain: Immoveability, Strength, "Regular" & Irregular FORMation (the ability to look one way, while being seen as something else completely from another angle- the true intention, or "image" is always hidden... unless it wishes to be seen. You can look at a mountain and perceive it in your mind one way, holding to that image and saying "this is what the mountain looks like", only to perceive it from another angle and get a completely different image of that mountain and define it differently than the first time. Yet the mountain hasn't changed much since you looked at it 30 seconds ago [geologically speaking], but it has changed dramatically to the eye at a different angle, becoming a "different" mountain)

    Wind: Communication, Speed, Impenetrability

    Clouds: Interpretation & Symbolism (looking in to the mind's eye, gaining knowledge of self by using the clouds as Rorschach blots)

    Fire: Ferocity, Sudden-ness, Uncontainability (when started "in" a home, it has the tendency of BECOMING the home... until the home no longer is; compare and contrast this to what happens whenever one opponent, through skill and/or brute force overcomes an adversary... the "adversary" is no longer adversary, in that he/she has become follower of the overcoming inertia... even at the behest of itself), Rapid-Growth (the "spreading" of fire)

    Earth: Harmony of Growth ("tuning" one's self to "the way of the earth", as opposed to it, ensures that one will move with the earth- as a composite of powers- rather than, say individually, as a single and often less powerful force), Imbalance (not all things grow/move symmetrically... but this is also Beautiful. Chaos presents infinite opportunities for other "irregular", as-yet-unforeseen opportunities to manifest... providing new ways to learn, experience, grow)

    Water: Waves (the direction of power), Adaptability & Formlessness, Flow/Timing, Anticipatory Power (the idea that, based on the observation of a water's flow/energy, one can project with what force and when a strike will be leveled... think tsunami)

    Night: Invisibility & Concealment (which is also: Sight for the one who knows what to expect, yet Blindness to the one unsuspecting)

    Light & Sun: Blindness & Sight (the right amount of light can enable one to see many things, yet over-abundance of light can be Brilliant... and Blinding)

    Lightning: Visible Power & Double Meaning (you see it, but don't hear it... and if you hear it, it's not called "lightning")

    Thunder: Invisible Power (you hear/feel it, but can't see)

    The Deep Desert: Solitude & Isolation (a removal from all things all patterns offers one the ability to contemplate and breach the lines laid out for oneself; if not self-imposed, than those lain about you by others saying "THIS! is as far as you can go"... usually the words of people who don't want you to surpass them and are as yet unwilling to work on themselves)

    Tibet: Patience & Long-Standing (if you stand against all blows, steadily over time, to the point where the adversary no longer issues blows... you defeat the adversary without fighting)

    Psilocybin and LySergic acid Diethylamide: Freedom & Containment (it's okay for your mind to expand, and it's perfectly understandable why a force that wishes to exude it's control over you, whether it be government or otherwise, would wish that you wouldn't)

    Crude Sexuality and Lovemaking: Tantra (whether it's your intention to pounce upon what attracts you merely for the sake of attraction, or to express yourself in the art of Making Love with two heart-souls joined in the process... what you create, even with the same person, will never always be exactly the same; compare and contrast with sparring or with undergoing anything that could ever be undergone once and no more repeated)

    The "Unseen": everything that's capable of being imagined (or be brought into Manifestation from the Great [Never-Ending] Abyss of The UnManifest) can be brought into being, can be Seen

    Animals (not including, but applying also to man): The Food Chain is Real

    People (in general): are as complex, and yet as simple as Nature- for they are what each of these encompass, and far more. Their Potential must be first Freed, then Harnessed to effect Universal Order/Balance... if the Bodhisattva fail to do this in his/her present incarnation, it will be the task of a later Bodhisattva

    Dust: Mortality & Immortality (that we will all be scattered throughout, one day. On this world and the next, and the next, and the next... our unmanifest selves returning to the manifest worlds to learn, experience, grow: the Infinite in all forms and formlessness becoming/realizing itself as/at One Body, Voice, Soul... Increasing Immortality, Furthering Life and Light, Beauty and Sorrow, Darkness, Love and Freedom, Terror, Contention, Peace and Understanding... Forevermore)
    Kicking up dust, dragging around a rotten corpse. A scoundrel making trouble!

  4. #79

  5. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    Nature is hard and favours the strong.

    Can't find food or defend yourself? You die by default in nature.

    By default.

    That's all you need to know about nature besides the fact you should respect it, know that you are part of it and that you are subject to it and not the other way round.

    It takes tremendous effort to fight nature and no matter what, you cannot ever prevail and to do so is only temporary.

    Get past that, and you can get past anything.

    nature moves us

    even thou we may move above that sometimes

    but for most part, we may not.


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