gonna call this a quarter review in lue of my full review...and like gene the kato thing just annoys me, but probably not for the same reasons. i actually liked the idea of it in black mask it was a cool nod to bruce. but donnie is already playing one bruce lee character, no need to role up another one into it. i feel like this is just like dumbing the nose at the hollywood remake or something. i like the idea so far of the era the film takes place in, and the whole spy thing, thats cool. but i just wish they would have been more creative with the superhero part. also the dialogue scenes are boring so far, im bored out of my mind watching them, cause they made the grave mistake of just making the scenes talking heads, and explaining everything thing we just saw which is folly in filmmaking. so far im kinda liking it, but its gotta start picking up pace wise, or this quarter review will be it.