In the July Vanity Fair Cover story on Channing Tatum...

When Tatum was 10, in 1990, his family moved to Tampa. Florida meant football, the field arsenical green in the artificial light, the crack of helmets, the guttural outburst of a coach. If Tatum was performing on the field, his father was happy. If he struggled, a gloom settled over the house. He was captain of the high-school team, quarterback and linebacker. “I don’t think I was ever that committed,” he told me. “I saw football players on TV and knew I was never going to be that guy. I loved playing, but I don’t think I loved the game.”

“What sport did you love?”

“Martial arts. I did kung fu from 9 to about 13.”

“Did you have cauliflower ear?”

“I started to. You can see the little lumps.”