Bumping this in support of hot meals at fair prices.

Actually, Real Kungfu is almost pricier than McDonalds. When you are living on China wages, these places are occasional treats. For tourists, however, I would really recommend Real Kungfu. Delicious hot Chinese food in a clean location. If you've never been to China you'll understand when you arrive why this is such a breakthrough. AND it's cool eat with Bruce Lee images all around you.

Thankfully for me, there are a host of copycat places that have sprung up that do the same for cheaper. Ate at a place today that offered meals the same sort of cool bowls as Real Kungfu and was exceptionally clean: a main dish of mushroom and chicken, a side of vegetables, soup and rice all for 16 yuan.

I think Real Kungfu could be a hit in America, as long as the prices were comparable to McDonalds.