gotta pick up the new issue of vogue...
Kicking it - click for slideshow.
Gisele Bundchen gets her kicks in jeans
By Inside Track
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - Updated 35m ago

Tom Brady [stats] better not ever get out of line, because the missus, Gisele Bundchen, is showing off some crazy kung fu fighting moves in the new issue of Vogue maggie!

Gi, a student at the Boston Kung Fu Tai Chi Institute, channels Bruce Lee for a piece called “Kicking It,” which has nothing to do with martial arts at all. It’s about what supermodels Gisele, Naomi Campbell and Karen Elson wear when they’re not working.

Surprise, surprise, Gi’s all about the jeans.

“I am the queen of jeans,” the Brazilian bombshell tells Vogue.

She also loves cashmere sweaters in neutral colors, and when she went shopping for new outfits with the writer, the first thing she bought was a baby tennis sweater (cashmere, natch) for her stepson, Jack .

Awwww, what a model stepmom!