Its a good discipline, no-nonsense,no BS(once you get past the hype about Bikram himself) I Just focus on what the asanas do for me. Ive been a Bikram practitioner off and on for about two years now. I love the practice. Does wonders for my body. I wouldnt make Bikram yoga a practice that you do all the time as it does take alot out of you heat wise(In Bikram Yoga you are doing the postures in a heated room and you sweat like a horse). The Bikram teachers say " oh you need to go 3 times a week for several months to get the full benefits" yada yada yada. But that is if you are doing nothing else with you life. As a supplement to other athletic activities, you can get away with doing Bikram once a week in addition to your other training.
The other reason why i like Bikram Yoga is that there is not any of the hoaky new age stuff. you dont have some stoned white chick with dreads talking about your "inner lightness of being" blah blah blah. I hate that aspect of some yoga places i have been to. INstead you have a nice looking athletic woman talking you through the postures, helping you to correct your form and giving you praise when they see you are really trying and doing your best.
