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Thread: Christian Martial Arts Union

  1. #121

    I didn't learn any more about Mary Magdeline other than that she was a prostitute who asked Christ's forgiveness. Can you shed any light on what is being said today about her being his mistress or point me to some sources....thanks.

  2. #122
    Join Date
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    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony View Post

    I didn't learn any more about Mary Magdeline other than that she was a prostitute who asked Christ's forgiveness. Can you shed any light on what is being said today about her being his mistress or point me to some sources....thanks.

    I think the gist of it is that they are saying the Grail legend is really because Christ married Mary Magdeline and had kids, so the Grail is his bloodline. Grail being a chalice, symbolizing feminism and fertility. The 'blood' of Christ in Christian churches is served in a chalice. The Grail was supposed to be the cup that was used at the last supper, or to collect Christ's blood when he was crucified.

    They make a play of words on grail ... San Graal or Sang Raal, which could mean firstly holy grail or secondly, royal blood.
    Last edited by lunghushan; 01-27-2007 at 12:58 PM.

  3. #123
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    I've GOT IT!!! They should have a book or movie where they collect Christ's DNA from the cup to clone him!!!

    Oh, wait ... that's already been done.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by lunghushan View Post
    I've GOT IT!!! They should have a book or movie where they collect Christ's DNA from the cup to clone him!!!

    Oh, wait ... that's already been done.
    I saw that episode of the Outer Limits

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony View Post
    Can you shed any light on what is being said today about her being his mistress or point me to some sources....thanks.
    This is an idea that was introduced in Baigent and Leigh's Holy Blood, Holy Grail, repeated in a number of similar books, then popularized in Brown's The Da Vinci Code. There are some suggestions in the apocryphal Gospel of Philip that she was particularly close to Jesus. Beyond this there has been alot of recent speculation, but it is just that. In other words, there's not really any historical reason to believe these sorts of things.
    Last edited by Christopher M; 01-27-2007 at 01:09 PM.

  6. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by lunghushan View Post
    I've GOT IT!!! They should have a book or movie where they collect Christ's DNA from the cup to clone him!!!

    Oh, wait ... that's already been done.
    If they cloned him several times then all the major religions could have one. You know how argumentative religious types can be

    Think about the marketing opportunities as well

    Mini Jesus in a bottle.

    Real Jesus keyring.

    Jesus fishing floats (they don't just float on water, they walk)

    Jesus delivery systems (anytime, anywhere)

    Jesus food supplies (limeted to fish and wine to start with)

    Come on, add to the list. You know you want to

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by JDK View Post
    Here we are 2000 years later. talking about it..and more importantly...turn on any News Channel and WHERE is the focus of the eyes of the World been for the last 15 years or more ????? Israel and the Middle East.


    lol yea, well the 2 little brats smacking each other silly in the frontrow of the airplane usually do draw the majority of the other passengers attention. mostly out of annoyance and contempt though.

    "better to reside in hell knowing the truth than to be blissfully ignorant in heaven."

    "Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."- Doug Adams

    I dare you to make less sense!

    "Freeze?! You know if i drop the tooth fairy i'm only gettin' started mother****er!"

    "It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin

  8. #128
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    Post Christian Martial Arts Union

    Quote Originally Posted by FuXnDajenariht View Post
    lol yea, well the 2 little brats smacking each other silly in the frontrow of the airplane usually do draw the majority of the other passengers attention. mostly out of annoyance and contempt though.
    With all due respect FuXnDajenariht, the situation goes much deeper than your simplified version. ( no offense..I like simple, you got your point across with a few words.I need to work on that on my sermons )

    The fact is that ever since 1948 when Israel became a Nation after 1950 years of being "scattered" around the Globe....things have intensified on the World Scene ever since.

    Iran ( descendants of Ismael..Abraham's son his handmaiden Hagar)
    has been very open about there desire to "wipe Israel off the Map..declaring the Holocast never happened ...and that it was their duty to Allah to destroy Israel ( descendents of Issac, the child of Promise given to Abraham and Sarah , who was called the child of promise because the Lord Jesus would eventually be born through his bloodline)

    Being a christian I obviously believe it to be nothing short of a miracle that Israel even exists anymore....let alone has returned to their former Land ( as the Bible accurately predicted 3500 years ago) and that World Events really are revoloving around the Middle East, here in our modern times, with all are technology and is the Middle East Countries that dominate our thoughts , Political decisions and Newspaper Headlines

    Here is a couple of Links that show the seriousness of Iran and it's allies are abut not only "pushing Israel into the Sea ..but also bringing about a New World Order, with THEM being in control of course

    FACT:-Mahmud or Mahmood, Ahmadinezhad, Ahmadi-Nejad, Ahmadi Nejad, Ahmady Nejad) (born October 28, 1956) is the sixth president of the Islamic Republic of Iran. His term began on August 3, 2005.

    He is a member of the Central Council of the Islamic Society of Engineers, but he has a more powerful base inside the Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran (Abadgaran) and is considered one of the main figures in the alliance.

    FACT:-Ahmadinejad is a controversial figure, criticised for his statements agreeing with Ruhollah Khomeini that Israel should be "wiped off the map", support of Hezbollah, and controversial comments he has made about the Holocaust never really happening and the legitimacy of Israel's existence.

    FACT -Ahmadinejad was the only presidential candidate who spoke out against future relations with the United States. Also, in an interview with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting a few days before the elections, Ahmadinejad accused the United Nations of being "one-sided, He has openly opposed the veto power given to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. In the same interview, he stated, "It is not just for a few states to sit and veto global approvals. Should such a privilege continue to exist, the Muslim world with a population of nearly 1.5 billion should be extended the same privilege." In addition, he has defended Iran's nuclear program and has accused "a few arrogant powers" of attempting to limit Iran's industrial and technological development in this and other fields.

    After his election he proclaimed, "Thanks to the blood of the martyrs, a new Islamic revolution has arisen and the Islamic revolution of 1384 [the current Iranian year] will, if God wills, cut off the roots of injustice in the world." He said, that "the wave of the Islamic revolution" would soon "reach the entire world."

    FACT: In October 2005 Ahmadinejad gave a speech that contained antagonistic statements about Israel. According to widely published translations, he agreed with a statement he attributed to Ayatollah Khomeini that the "occupying regime" had to be removed, and referred to Israel as a "disgraceful stain [on] the Islamic world" that would be eliminated.

    Ahmadinejad's comments were condemned by major Western governments, the European Union, Russia, the United Nations Security Council and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.Egyptian, Turkish and Palestinian leaders also expressed displeasure over Ahmadinejad's remark.Canada's then Prime Minister Paul Martin said, "this threat to Israel's existence, this call for genocide coupled with Iran's obvious nuclear ambitions is a matter that the world cannot ignore."

    FACT:- Ahmadinejad has been a vocal supporter of Iran's nuclear program. On January 11, 2006, Ahmadinejad announced that Iran would have peaceful nuclear technology very soon.

    Ahmadinejad reportedly invited all countries to participate in Iran's nuclear project [33]. He turned down an offer by Russian president Vladimir Putin to process uranium in order for Iran to use it. In April 2006, Ahmadinejad announced that Iran had successfully refined uranium to a stage suitable for the nuclear fuel cycle. In a speech to students and academics in Mashad, he was quoted saying that Iran's conditions had changed completely as it became a nuclear state and could talk to other states from that stand.
    Last edited by JDK; 01-28-2007 at 04:22 AM.
    "It's not WHO'S right...its WHAT'S right" Truth Comes from many Sources
    so try and disregard WHO is saying it..and explore if WHAT is being said has any Truth to It.

  9. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by JDK View Post
    Iran ( descendants of Ismael..Abraham's son his handmaiden Hagar)
    has been very open about there desire to "wipe Israel off the Map..declaring the Holocast never happened ...and that it was their duty to Allah to destroy Israel ( descendents of Issac, the child of Promise given to Abraham and Sarah , who was called the child of promise because the Lord Jesus would eventually be born through his bloodline)
    Are Iranians actually considered descendants of Ishmael? I know that he is the father of the Arab people. Although Iran is a Muslim country, the Persians aren't Arabs.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher M View Post
    I think you need to delve a bit deeper if this is something you're interested in understanding.
    HAHA....I understand why you're miffed. I kind of summed up my opinion of religion with a propagandistic attitude. My mood on the subject often switches from a scholarly attitude, to one of complete and thorough disdain for it.

    It's something I've researched nearly every day of my life. I've read all those books and more. I've gotten all my information straight from the horse's mouth. Funny, when you leave the church, it never really leaves you. When I call it branwashing, you might roll your eyes. But it is brainwashing....b/c the church targets children, using parents as the agents. When I wrestled with religion and gave it up at fifteen (yeah, I was a precocious reader), my parents nearly kicked me out of the house and disowned me---very religious family with several preachers/missionaries in it.

    You're reasoning from the position of someone still in, yet dedicated to thinking about the issue--I respect that, a lot (b/c I think there's still a possiblity you, too, might decide to debunk it). I'm reasoning from someone out, miffed at having been sucked in by childhood brainwashing (adhering to parental models of proper behavior), yet thoroughly disgusted by Christianity's bloody history, and its lack of regard for "real" thinking. (let's not address this issue, here). The best books written on the subject of religion were issued by Nietzsche, Fuerbach, and Celsus. Although I never really thought of those books as "religious" books when I was younger, they've taught me a lot. For instance: it is perfectly okay to take up arms against a religion that browbeats little children into believing perfect nonsense, which might make them neurotic, ashamed of themselves, and make them hate the world (religion made me a very unpleasant person).

    Anyways.....I don't care anymore for all the heresies and heresiarchs in history, since I basically deny the primary tenet of the religion--that a man could be a god. It's quite ridiculous.

    And I do think that it took an emperor to solve the bloody squabbles the Christians were involved in. Need I mention the Crusades (all of them.....including Albigensian and Children's Crusade [a particularly delicious gem in Christian history]), the Inquisition, the whole Protestant/Catholic ordeal, witch burnings, etc. which have plagued European history? Various kings took stances against the Holy Roman Empire and forced established religion into it's current state of reign--that of the spirit. Thank the fates for Democracy. Democracy has made the world, and religion, much kinder.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDK View Post

    Here we are 2000 years later. talking about it..and more importantly...turn on any News Channel and WHERE is the focus of the eyes of the World been for the last 15 years or more ????? Israel and the Middle East.


    Nope. No coincidence. If we'd have given Christians M-16's, Ak-47's, ballistic missiles, shoulder-mounted rocketlaunchers, and explosives in their heyday, the same results would have ensued. Hell, they did enough comparable damage with a torch and a sword.....And newscasters would have profited by covering those stories. As a curious side-note....fluctuations in the state of Paris Hilton's puzzy gets just as much coverage, if not more.

    The thing is, we've basically given a stunted community reminiscent of the sixth century access to twenty-first century weapon technology.

    Has nothing to do with religion.....wait, yeah it does. Only goes to prove that religions do nothing to "improve" people. Christendom had its share of Hussein's, and in the long run their secular rule curbed the hold of religion over the people. Though detestable individuals, who often espoused radical tactics resulting in bloodshed, the end result was a curbing influence on religion's political sway, which benefited the people. Hence, you're not now being taxed half your income for the glory of the Holy Roman State. You can give if you want to. Nowadays, instead of being oppressed by papal law, taxed penniless by penurious agents of its wealth, or threatened with rack, flail, prison, fire, or rod, you can believe "if you want to."

    One of the benefits of Democracy.

    But Democracy is something that is achieved. You can't throw it on a sixth century civilization and expect....*poof* for everything to gel.

    Let's not start discoursing on the state of Iraq--there's another thread for that. I was only arguing with this statement by JDK.
    Last edited by Shaolin Wookie; 01-28-2007 at 07:54 AM.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony View Post

    I didn't learn any more about Mary Magdeline other than that she was a prostitute who asked Christ's forgiveness. Can you shed any light on what is being said today about her being his mistress or point me to some sources....thanks.
    This is a veeeeeerrrry old tradition. It's not new or anything like that. It's always been considered taboo, and the Church often tried to eradicate any texts that popped up with this conclusion.

    In all reality, it is a depiction of a "historical" Jesus, trying desperately to keep him in some kind of cultural context, while Christianity constantly tries to divorce him from his culture and political climate (one of constant upheaval and rebellion against the Roman occupation....where two other men named "Jesus" [curious sidenote] started insurrections against the Romans, one of whom was also crucified. ). In such contexts, Jews often dig in their heels and stick to tradition stronger than ever--hence, the marriage laws, etc.

    Many gnostic gospels hint at this association. You won't find them in the bible, because the authors did not pretend to write in the guise of the 12 disciples.....okay, well some did.

  13. #133
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    A fact for the faithful....

    We were talking for a sec about the Bible and its translations....edits....etc...

    During Christ's crucifixion, the story goes that the Jews were given the chance to save Jesus. Instead, they shouted that they wanted "Barabbas" given to them instead. Hence, the criminal was saved, and Jesus was crucified.

    Well, in the original biblical records, Barabbas' full name is given as "Jesus Barabbas."

    Well, the church edited this out in nearly every edition in every language copied after the original. Only a couple of years ago did one or two Bible printers go back to the original, giving his name as JEsus Barabbas.

    Why the two millenia edit, you ask?

    Barabbas is really the combination of two hebrew words: "bar" and "abbas." You'll often see "bar" appear in the Bible as a designation of "son of". As for "abba" know it. It means "father".

    So, the crowd tells Pilate that they want Jesus, Son of the Father to be pardoned instead of JEsus Christ.....and one Jesus is crucified in the place of the other Jesus. Well, that's certainly a curious incidence of multiple-personality syndrome, if I do say so myself....which I just did. It's also why several traditions arose that Christ survived the crucifixion....and it would explain (conspiracy theory style) how the tomb could be empty---if an impostor was crucified and the original was pardoned (he'd have a definite interest in proving his divinity by rolling a stone and stealing a body....if this was not in fact a hotly debated issue.)

    The bible is riddled with these issues. They have nothing to do with faith. They're in interpretation/editing. I still laugh when reading about Joshua and the battle which suspended the sun at its zenith. That could only happen in a geocentric system. Too bad we live in a solar-centric one.

    Jesus, son of the Father...if that's not a name for Christ, I don't know what is.

  14. #134
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    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

    For the Women:

    + = & a

  15. #135
    I can't pass up an opportunity to point people to the one true religion:

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