Sorry for the delay in response. I was drunk when I posted that, and forgot that such a thing even happened. Not surprisingly, I'm also drunk now, and thus found my way back to the forums.

I just maxed out at 475 on squat. I was going for 475 on deadlift as well, but I strained something in my side / lower back. It first happened during my 465 squat (you can see me wince when I take the belt of in the vid below), but it wasn't bad at all. I was going to wait a week or so to do the max pull, but I was supposed to help someone with their deadlift two days later, so I ended up going for it since I was already at the gym. I felt a pop and a hot burning pain shortly after 405 broke the floor, and I was initially worried something completely let go. No bruising or swelling at all though, and it's feeling a lot better a week out, so I think it will be fine. I have it narrowed down to either my transverse abdominis or my quadratus lumborum. And with this information, it will take exactly as long to heal as without it. Treatment is identical though. Two semesters of PT school and another 30k in debt is awesome.