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Thread: large golden bell

  1. whose the best golden bell teacher in the united states and does he have any clips or demonstration vids of people beating on him with no effect (judo kai people do)?

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Houston Texas


    Why Nonsense. I myself, in my many years of following and learning Kung Fu, (This by no means states in a skilled kung fu stylist. Heck I hope before I pass on I can grasp 5% of what I have seen.) I have had the honor to have seen many great masters. I have seen The art of Lightness. (Hing Kung) I have seen a master from a squatting position, Jump and land about 10 feet on a ledge. (I asked him how he could do this. And why wasn’t he in the Olympics?) He answered. Real masters do not showoff. To use this skill to win in that kind of a competition would not be fare to the competition or the art. We learn these secret training methods to preserve them and pass them on to worthy students that will not misuse them. As for training. he gave me a few examples. He asked. Have you ever jumped on a trampoline for a while then step off and try to jump. Then find you cannot get off the ground. I agreed. He said my training is the reverse of that theory.
    I have seen a few masters even one female master that was able to direct her chi to break a lone brick in a pile of 15, this brick was picked by me! The brick did not just break, it exploded to dust.
    As for Iron shirt. I have seen a master or in fact masters taking blows on bare skin. (not only chops but slashing as well) the swords where sharp machetes (from a hardware store) Not tin kung fu swords. No blood. But there was red marks where they had been hit.
    I also witnessed a cook at a Chinese restaurant. stuck his whole arm inside of the hot deep fryer oil. His arm boiled and he pulled it out with no damage. I had to buy him a case of beer and a case of cigarettes!! This cook was fat and smoked and was not in good health. In my eyes. However, he did this in front of me and there were no tricks. I asked him to teach me. He declined and said his son will hold the next generation of this skill. He said. He didn’t care for kung fu, but he trained only to honor his family and father. And again, that magic word preserve.
    My first Shifu told me the old masters could change the direction of the wind. They could kill you with a touch. They could perform feats of strength that defies physics. And a good master didn’t only learn to hurt but to heal and repair damage caused by his art.
    He also explained train in this day and age and the way they trained 1000 years ago is so different. Pollution, chemicals, poor air, stress of life. Etc. are all elements that hinder our training. So after studying. Taoism and Buddhism, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and martial arts, all seems possible.
    So as for Nonsense. That is your opinion. I hope, one day you will see the true wonders of this art we all are trying to preserve.

    “We are limited, because we are taught to stop. We cannot imagine, because we are taught you can't. that is nonsense.” If we all heeded these limitations, we would still live in caves.”


    Lu Zhi Shen
    Last edited by Lu Zhi Shen; 10-23-2004 at 12:15 AM.
    We live in a world that uses real lemons for floor wax & lemon flavoring for lemonade. And yet we drink.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    San Francisco BAy Area

    There are three area that SGB cannot protect. Eyes and the groin being two of them. Don't remember the third one. Can't answer your other questions.


    What I'm saying is that as a punch or kick is coming in, one moves to direct the blow to the area of the body that is away from the three areas that SGB cannot protect.

    Lu Zhi Shen,

    Very Interesting. I've witnessed the Art of Lightness, and the hot oil on the skin too. But that's not Golden Bell.
    Last edited by NorthernShaolin; 10-23-2004 at 01:29 AM.

  4. I have seen The art of Lightness. (Hing Kung) I have seen a master from a squatting position, Jump and land about 10 feet on a ledge. (I asked him how he could do this. And why wasn’t he in the Olympics?) He answered. Real masters do not showoff.
    and I'm guessing that's the same reason real masters have not dominated the mma world?

    btw, even if he doesn't want to show off in the olympics wouldn't his feats be at least recorded in the guenise book of world records? And wouldn't the Chinese government (since this skill has been in effect sopposevly for centuries) know about this skill and try to recruit masters to help their national athletic teams?
    Last edited by Enforcer-; 10-23-2004 at 01:37 AM.

  5. There are three area that SGB cannot protect. Eyes and the groin being two of them. Don't remember the third one. Can't answer your other questions.
    how bout the nose, throat, and ears?

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    New Jersey United States
    Originally posted by NorthernShaolin

    There are three area that SGB cannot protect. Eyes and the groin being two of them. Don't remember the third one. Can't answer your other questions.


    What I'm saying is that as a punch or kick is coming in, one moves to direct the blow to the area of the body that is away from the three areas that SGB cannot protect.

    Northern Shoalin. In fact there several more ( like feet and hands ( particularly intercostally / knees / elbows / small strike to belly button cavity ) and then subregions of those regions.

    I apppreciate what you're saying above, but it's not exactly what we were talking about and again is not neccessarily an absolute.
    Last edited by Ego_Extrodinaire; 10-23-2004 at 02:43 AM.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Commerce City, Colorado
    Originally posted by Enforcer-
    and I'm guessing that's the same reason real masters have not dominated the mma world?

    btw, even if he doesn't want to show off in the olympics wouldn't his feats be at least recorded in the guenise book of world records? And wouldn't the Chinese government (since this skill has been in effect sopposevly for centuries) know about this skill and try to recruit masters to help their national athletic teams?
    You do realize participation the Guenise is volantery, don't you? Maybe some people just don'tfeel the need to brag about what they have done of tear others' mastery apart to feel like they are "someone".
    Quote Originally Posted by Oso View Post
    you're kidding? i would love to drink that beer just BECAUSE it's in a dead animal...i may even pick up the next dead squirrel i see and stuff a budweiser in it

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    New Jersey United States
    Is golden bell a type of internal kung fu? maybe it's related to hsingI or bagua????

    that being said though, we know there are various other iron skill come s/l gb in various styles so does anyone have a correlating link??
    Last edited by Ego_Extrodinaire; 10-23-2004 at 08:41 AM.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Houston Texas

    Its a riddle.

    All things have a weakness. I was told. Pouring water over someone that has turned on, his or her golden bell would nullify the effect. Who knows? The question about the Chinese government recruiting masters is a riddle to me as well (Or maybe they feel it would be to their best interest to keep a few tricks up their sleeve.).I do know. I have as many questions as you all.
    However, asking the question is the first step in getting an answer. =]

    To have an enormous capacity
    is to be ready for the great integrity.


    Lu Zhi Shen
    We live in a world that uses real lemons for floor wax & lemon flavoring for lemonade. And yet we drink.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    New Jersey United States
    the government banned gongfu and other expressive arts during the CR, particularly where pysical empowerment was an aspect of those arts. Why you would think the govt there should've preserved some of it, when as far as they're concerned they killed them all, ( or at least the better skilled of them ) is quite beyond me.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, MA
    OMG where to begin...
    "I'm not entirely sure I agree with this. There are certain parts of your body that will always be vulnerable, but I think the trick to that is that not alot of ppl know where they are, let alone are able to hit them with enough accuracy.
    This is just complete horse ****. If I use a neck throw and break your pencil neck I'm not worried about your imaginary bell cover.

    I have a couple of very sharp knives and some facility with them. I'll give you $1000 if I can't cut you. Stop this nonsense.

    "All things have a weakness. I was told. Pouring water over someone that has turned on, his or her golden bell would nullify the effect."

    This is just what I'm talking about. Pouring water over them?

    "Is golden bell a type of internal kung fu? maybe it's related to hsingI or bagua????"

    This certainly shows you know nothing about IMA.

    "To have an enormous capacity
    is to be ready for the great integrity."

    Or perhaps gullability.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    New Jersey United States
    can always use the wallet cushioning, and the nonsense is in your own ignorance.

    btw on the necfk throw , even if you have s or l gb skills, your feet are still open and so is your groin.ands other areas you haven't even acknowledgd nor identified!!......

    I am NO brick neck , but still....I'd like to see you try to execute that throw!!!!!!!!

    on water throwing :- water tentatively = chi disruption ( come concentration , focus and direction of that qi perhaps??? ) at most western/ objective , an "out of the blue " distraction???

    don't even try to tell me that a hsing yi dude practicing in earnest and for many yrs doesn't or wouldn't be familiar with this gong!! hsing yi is internal gongfu!!

    btw :- who "doesn't " have " great capacity"!!!???


  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, MA
    "btw on the necfk throw , even if you have s or l gb skills, your feet are still open and so is your groin.ands other areas you haven't even acknowledgd nor identified!!......

    I am NO brick neck , but still....I'd like to see you try to execute that throw!!!!!!!!"

    In a heartbeat. You seem to think that real fighting is like magazine photos. Upon entering I am going to either hit you very hard to set up the throw or make your react in a way I choose, then hit you hard to set up the throw.

    "on water throwing :- water tentatively = chi disruption ( come concentration , focus and direction of that qi perhaps??? ) at most western/ objective , an "out of the blue " distraction???"

    Or could be just crap. I'm more inclined to that one.

    "don't even try to tell me that a hsing yi dude practicing in earnest and for many yrs doesn't or wouldn't be familiar with this gong!! hsing yi is internal gongfu!"

    But you know nothing at all about xingyiquan. I do. It's not a part of Taiji, Xingyi, or Bagua.

    Doesn't it get tiresome being a silly, skinny, pretentious little girl who doesn't realize she is dealing with her betters?
    Last edited by Buddy; 10-23-2004 at 08:27 PM.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    New Jersey United States
    that woman I speak with and do or don't adopt philosophies from is acutely aware that on many lvls ( particularly off the street and opposed to the ring) on these boards , knows she has many many betters on these boards and in real time life!!!!! She is humble on what she doesn't know ( generous and unpretentious about what she does) , and believe me..those facets are multi dementional...........

    WE've both fought in earnest for our lives on the street and in the field ( amature ring scene included) and stay naive yourself, it's not going to protect any more for all your arrogance!! Don't you even wanna protect youself??? We 're trying to help you here!!! bab..buddy...... !!!

    on the skinny :- pls see bruce lee pics when he arrived in the west !! vs western heman/ men !!
    Last edited by Ego_Extrodinaire; 10-23-2004 at 08:49 PM.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, MA
    "She is humble on what she doesn't know ( generous and unpretentious about what she does) , and believe me..those facets are multi dementional..........."

    With focus on 'demention' or wait, you meant dimension. No, mine was right.

    "and stay naive yourself, it's not going to protect any more for all your arrogance!! Don't you even wanna protect youself???"

    I'm better than you. You have nothing to offer. No brag, just fact.

    "on the skinny :- pls see bruce lee pics when he arrived in the west !! vs western heman/ men"

    You're right. He's prettier than you. Bruce Lee was a movie guy.

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