This issue has an excellent article on water boxing - Liu He Ba Fa - by Master Helen Liang. It is a truly wonderful article by a true Master speaking to us here.

I had the privilege of holding the camera at a Liu He Ba Fa workshop earlier this year after spending the morning in several taiji workshops myself. While I have serious doubts about any of that video making it past the editor; it was an excellent time to compare water boxing with taiji. While there are many similarities of the internal kind, still it is a different animal altogether. There is no doubt that the martial applications are more visible in water boxing than taiji. However, the internal side is also more evident than taiji too.

Master Liang provides an excellent description of the English translation of qi energy so that non-Chinese speakers are not missing anything as is normally the case. (pardon me Gene while I quote a little here...)

An example of a number of descriptions provided in her article is the para on "Condensing the Power to the Bones". After an excellent description of internal power, she ends with"... For combat, condensing one's power to the bones will hide it from the opponent leaving the opponent unsure how to react next. When attacking, the mind leads the power which is hastened by the qi. This power is abundant and unpredictable, thereby making the opponent unable to withstand the attack."

And then on the last page, directly opposite is a full page of Master Liang's DVD's... enjoy, you won't be disappointed I'm sure!