Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
absolutely. I think that Meir Shahar has helped to confirm that which is correct in the oral traditions and has stemmed the growing tide of nonsense in the marketing and commercialization of various schools of martial arts.

academic studies are very important and rare when it comes to Shaolin. So books like Dr. Shahar's are invaluable to anyone seeking background knowledge about what it is they are doing or want to do.

With more academic, cold hard light of day studies, we will thankfully see the fall of the bullshit purveyors that for far too long have infected the ranks of martial practice.

It's the dawn of a golden age of martial arts once again with the advent of realistic practices in training, true academic studies of the origins and a combination of these things to move forward and correct the inadequacies in training and application taht have made martial arts into a twisted fantasy for a few decades.

let's all collectively take the martial arts back, define the reality and appreciate the mythos without actually accepting it as one for the other.

mythos should remain just that and application can be free from it.

David has toe kicked the correct right in the prostate !