Even though this video clip was posted in good humor to mock what it depicts, the video alludes to something with legitimate historic authenticity.

In the Old Testament, the laying on of hands often conferred spiritual blessings. Israel stretched out his hands on the two sons of Joseph as a blessing. A gift of spiritual energy and power was both transferred and received in this action.

When Moses was soon to die, God directed Moses to lay his hands upon Joshua in order to put some of his honor upon him and to charge him with authority to take his place. Because God had commanded Moses to do this, the Israelites listened to Joshua as their divinely-appointed leader, "a man in whom is the spirit", and thus full of wisdom.

Such 'laying on of hands' was also done to impart spiritual healing. In this regard, certain individuals are apparently gifted as natural healers, and are perhaps even called to do so through a Higher Power by the Grace of God. Much of this kind of healing depends on the faith of the person being healed, hence the alternate term 'faith healing', as well as in the gift of faith in the person laying his hands.

It is undoubtedly certain that many charlatans seek to enrich themselves by pretending to possess a gift for healing. When the so-called spiritual healer appears to receive greater personal benefit, financially or otherwise, than do those upon whom he or she lays their hands, this is almost surely the case. The quality of the tree can usually be easily judged by the fruit it produces.

I have often thought that Benny Hinn himself, as shown in the video clip, and others like him make a mockery of genuine spiritual healing through the 'laying on of hands' by the way in which they do these TV shows, with obviously huge egos and huge personal monetary gains.
