Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
I'm almost thinking now that the positive transfer of martial arts to sports deserves its own thread. But for now, these two stay here.
Ah....that's nothing new. I know it's SD, but you'll have to humor me. Senior Master Gary Grooms of Shaolin-Tao worked with the offensive and defensive lines of the Atlanta Falcons to train them for scrambles, tackling, balance, and defense. When a wide receiver sprints out on his rouute, he has a coouple of seconds where he's basically fumbling around with the defense's hands, trying to clear his route. So, Senior Master grooms taught them methods (Tai Chi based, I think) to pass to the outside and take off unhindered. If I'm nott miistaken, this was ini the early/mid ninetees or so. We've got a newspaper article from the AJC about it on our websitte somewhere. He also worked with the defensive lines to teach them good balancing techniques, etc.

My teacher was a linebacker for hte Falcons for like 6 years or so and got into martial arts because ofo that traning. Sifu is the kind of guy you'd take one loook at and say: "Now why wouuld he ever have to defend himself?" LOL......