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Thread: Barrack and Hillary

  1. #631
    Join Date
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    Lone Star State


    who gives a sh!t about what Rev Wright says? I surely dont. does he really influence that many people? I think not, in fact i would go so far as to say that the Media who is being very mentally ill right now has perpetuated this d!psh!t's rhetoric. Lets get back to the REAL ISSUES at hand.
    Rev Wright is no MLK and he sure as hell has not caused a rallying force within the black community. He is just another loud mouth who is p!ssed off and being all self riteous about it.

    As for Obama and his flag pin, gimme a break folks, just because the guy doesnt wear a flag pin on his lapel doesnt mean he is any less patriotic than say REV WRIGHT. I think they are both patriotic, they just have a funny way of showing it is all.

    We need to get off this heroin like addiction to every little stupid fuking comment that these people make, because ALL of them have been taken out of context, even McCains comments. If Most people had any fuking common sense they would understand the comments and not use them as blunt tools to attack the candidates.

    All You Obama Supporters need to wake the fuk up!!! Just because he is rallying you and saying all these wonderful things doesnt mean that he is going to do any better a job than BUSH or McCain or even Hillary. Until this guy starts telling us HOW HE IS GOING TO DO ALL THE SH!T THAT HE SAYS he wants to do. my eyebrow will forever be raised at him.

    All You Hillary supporters need to get off your high horse and THINK for a moment about WHO you are supporting. She is as Big a Politician as her Husband,and lacks any integrity or honor, if she had any of the positive attributes the Hillary supporters are saying she has then she would have divorced her husband long ago and not used his popularity and clout as president to further her OWN agenda. AND she wouldnt have taken a payoff from the insurance companies to STFU, AND she wouldnt have voted for the Iraq War and made the excuse that "uhh well i didnt know that the intelligence was flawed etc etc"

    Mcain Supporters? Get with the 21st century,pull your heads out of your collective A$$ES and REALIZE that his agenda is the same fukin agenda BUSH and ROVE had and that is to keep us iraq when it is clearly NOT the place to be and to eventually start a war with Iran which is CLEARLY something we should NOT DO. Our economy will continue to spiral into the preverbial sh!tcan, our country will be overrun with illegal immigrants(as it is already) and all you rich mutherfukers who love being republican and all the common hard working folk who are blindly following the republican mindset will get screwed AGAIN by your own party so you better get ready because the sh!t Will hit the fan and soon.

    Tired of the bullsh!t, TWS

    P.S. I love America, I love this country,and quite strangely enough i Love the people of this country, but America is getting STUPID and CARELESS, we the PEOPLE need to take our country BACK, from the Illegals from the politicians and especially from the corporations. Peace, TWS
    It makes me mad when people say I turned and ran like a scared rabbit. Maybe it was like an angry rabbit, who was going to fight in another fight, away from the first fight.

  2. #632
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Operation Chaos Is In Force

    Why are all 3 politicians refusing to acknowledge that illegals should be sent back where they came from and the media not playing that loop continuously.
    Play it enough times and people will get as bitter as hell? Take that to the rim and stuff it.
    Only in America? If this is freedom, bring it on dudes!
    Maybe if I come back as an illegal, I will get free kungfu lessons and free education!

    Talent on loan using half a brain!

  3. #633
    Quote Originally Posted by unkokusai View Post
    Oh brother...
    Think about the SS system, and tell me it's not a slave system. You are paying taxes twice on a system where the taxes pays for interest on money borrowed in your name for a government that spends it without accountability.

    This is important in terms of world economics and could be the source for major wars in the future. do you think first world governments plan to pay on that debt? What happens when suddenly the Chinese and Indians are offloaded all this debt? Do you think they will stand for it?

    Hard to say. After all, Americans have. All I know is if you're assigned a number for tax collection purposes on a tax you are not supposed to have to pay, and you can't get rid of that number... that's slavery.

  4. #634
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowlin View Post
    Think about the SS system, and tell me it's not a slave system.

    Ok, hang on.


    Ok, done. Its not a slave system, but you are clearly a slave to your own sense of drama and self-importance and you haven't enough intelligence or common sense to break free and ride that underground railroad out of your own imagination.

    And no, I am not interested in seeing any photos of UFOs. Thanks anyway.

  5. #635
    Join Date
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    Permanent state of Denial
    Quote Originally Posted by shadowlin View Post
    Think about the SS system, and tell me it's not a slave system. You are paying taxes twice on a system where the taxes pays for interest on money borrowed in your name for a government that spends it without accountability.

    This is important in terms of world economics and could be the source for major wars in the future. do you think first world governments plan to pay on that debt? What happens when suddenly the Chinese and Indians are offloaded all this debt? Do you think they will stand for it?

    Hard to say. After all, Americans have. All I know is if you're assigned a number for tax collection purposes on a tax you are not supposed to have to pay, and you can't get rid of that number... that's slavery.
    No....that's just government, whether you like it or not. Unless you've got someone holding a whip and striking you, it's not really slavery. Sure, you don't have a choice; but if you enjoy your country's quality of life, its sanitation standards, its education standards, etc....then you pay taxes to keep the quality of life standard.

    And trust me, if it was slavery, you wouldn't have to tell us.

    We'd all be like: "Man, this **** is slavery."

    And then we'd hear this distant voice, like: "Get back to work".

  6. #636
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    Central Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by mawali View Post
    Maybe if I come back as an illegal, I will get free kungfu lessons and free education!
    I was thinking since I have no medical coverage or money I could re-invent myself as an illegal alien from whatever country I can fake an accent and get the herniated disc in my back fixed so it will stop beating on my sciatic nerve.

    Just a thought since they seem to be able to get their health issues resolved without money or insurance.
    When seconds count the cops are only minutes away!

    Quote Originally Posted by wenshu View Post
    Sorry, sometimes I forget you guys have that special secret internal sauce where people throw themselves and you don't have to do anything except collect tuition.

  7. #637
    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    No....that's just government, whether you like it or not. Unless you've got someone holding a whip and striking you, it's not really slavery. Sure, you don't have a choice; but if you enjoy your country's quality of life, its sanitation standards, its education standards, etc....then you pay taxes to keep the quality of life standard.

    And trust me, if it was slavery, you wouldn't have to tell us.

    We'd all be like: "Man, this **** is slavery."

    And then we'd hear this distant voice, like: "Get back to work".

    You must be joking. Do you really think that all of this stuff is paid for by federal income taxes?

    The original reason the tax was created, fyi, was not to pay for services. That was thought of as the states' job. The reason the income tax was created was to pay the interest on borrowed money from the Fed, which is a bank. But, of course, give politicians a blank check and they'll spend more of your money than they say.

    Slavery isn't about whips and chains. It's about people holding power over others and taking away freedom. It's about someone OWNING you. that's literally what it means.

    If someone spends money for you without your wishes and then charges you for it, and forces you to keep an identification number with false promises of benefits that don't and won't exist... that IS slavery.

    you can choose to buy into it, but think about this.
    When I started driving I could fill my car for a dollar a gallon. Now it's almost four. Inflation? Not of the cost of oil. Oil versus gold is the same, relatively. It's the dollar that's inflated.
    The debt is skyrocketing out of control, and you're paying for it, one way or another. Taxes, social security, bonds, inflation, no matter what, the Fed is making their money and you're paying for it. There is a correlation between the costs of living and the debt in this country, namely that we were sold out in 1913 so that the rich and powerful could steal the wealth of the People. It was the greatest, most atrocious move towards slavery in history.

    And they fully intend to extend this slavery around the globe. The biggest goal of the banking industry is to ID each and every person in the world.

    This has been in the works since colonial times. In fact, the very most important control colonial powers exercised over conquered people - slaves - was the ability to a) control where they went and b) enforce the laws requiring employment in a tax system.

    What amazes me is when otherwise intelligent people not only support the system, but when people who ought to be most against it - like martial artists - refuse to acknowledge the state of affairs. Police, military, and many others supporting the same imperial system that they believe the Hope named America, eradicated.

    Let's stop selling our country and our children out. support the end to indoctrinal socialized "welfare".

    interestingly enough, and pertinent to this debate....

    tax money spent for Education. This is what we get these days:

    She said included among the school's teaching resources was the following: "A RACIST: A racist is one who is both privileged and socialized on the basis of race by a white supremacist (racist) system. 'The term applies to all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality. By this definition, people of color cannot be racists, because as peoples within the U.S. system, they do not have the power to back up their prejudices, hostilities, or acts of discrimination…

  8. #638
    Quote Originally Posted by unkokusai View Post
    Ok, hang on.


    Ok, done. Its not a slave system, but you are clearly a slave to your own sense of drama and self-importance and you haven't enough intelligence or common sense to break free and ride that underground railroad out of your own imagination.

    And no, I am not interested in seeing any photos of UFOs. Thanks anyway.
    Why are you even bothering anyone with your nonsense? That was quite possibly the least articulated response I've seen since someone said something about "kool aide" on here.

    Let's evaluate this post.

    First, it doesn't present any evidence that indicates thought, or willingness to give credence to anything but common beliefs based upon ignorance. Ignorance is the lack of knowledge about a subject. It would be OK to say "it's not slavery because of A, B, and C" like Wookie did, but you just skipped that altogether because of your ignorant opinion.

    Second, it made some reference to my sense of self-importance. Supposing I was self-important, I don't see how it has anything to do with the topic of social security, especially when I'm talking about unburdening people from their monetary oppression (and clearly, indoctrinization into believing it benefits them). If I'm talking about martial artists taking up responsibility to fight a system of oppression, aka taking up a banner of a higher cause than my self then it wouldn't be self-importance (eg - talking about how awesome I am at fighting, which I've never done in any thread), would it? Thus, your statement could have said something about my sense of drama and social justice. Instead, it just revealed your biases against me.

    Nothing wrong with not liking me. But you can't enter a debate intending to win solely based upon the fact that you don't like someone. You can say a lot of crap, but it won't make any sense. Now why would you do that when there are so many others in the world that do that? And you ask me about common sense. Definition please, because if you have it, I don't want any.

    Finally, UFOs are not the topic of this conversation, therefore proving once and for all that your post was completely nonsensical.

    Learn from Shaolin Wookie. Even though he disagrees, he keeps it objective, if not with his own type of wit and style, and at least posts something intelligible.

  9. #639
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowlin View Post
    You must be joking. Do you really think that all of this stuff is paid for by federal income taxes?

    The original reason the tax was created, fyi, was not to pay for services. That was thought of as the states' job. The reason the income tax was created was to pay the interest on borrowed money from the Fed, which is a bank.
    Guess you're a young one. It was a victory tax intended to recoup money spent for WWII.

    So I guess we're still paying for WWII. Kinda like the NJ Parkway, the tolls were to pay for building and they were to be taken down once they recoverd the costs.

    50 years later still there.
    When seconds count the cops are only minutes away!

    Quote Originally Posted by wenshu View Post
    Sorry, sometimes I forget you guys have that special secret internal sauce where people throw themselves and you don't have to do anything except collect tuition.

  10. #640
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    Actually we're hoping to catch up with the UK which is clearly revolutionizing civilization as evidenced by this article.

    Get with the times already.
    When seconds count the cops are only minutes away!

    Quote Originally Posted by wenshu View Post
    Sorry, sometimes I forget you guys have that special secret internal sauce where people throw themselves and you don't have to do anything except collect tuition.

  11. #641
    Young, but informed.

    The U.S. income tax was first proposed during the War of 1812, but was defeated.[4] In July 1861, the Congress passed a 3% tax on all net income above $600 a year (about USD 10,000 today). Income taxes were enacted at various times until 1894, but were not imposed after 1895 when an 1894 tax act was found to be unconstitutional. In response, the 16th Amendment was ratified in 1913.[4]

    The tax could not have been created for a war that had not happened.

    You are right about one thing, though. After the war the government took advantage of returning soldiers by informing them that income taxes was truly required and legal. Prior to that, only a few people paid the tax, and few could be tracked. Most people did not have SSNs at that time. But post WWII, employers were burdened with paying half the income tax, and this forced them to find a way to register their employees. That's when the SSN became the defacto National ID because you need it to pay your taxes, and you have to pay your taxes.
    Only thing is, you are a citizen if you:
    1) Are born on US soil
    2) Have US citizen(s) for parents
    3) Are naturalized

    So the need to have SSNs for employment is actually not correct. Thus again, teh SS system coerces payment from employees. and employers for the benefit of the Fed.

    I encourage everyone to read the SSA FAQs and the history of the SSA, as well as the Federal Reserve - which I'll note to you was originally primarily owned by the Rothschild Bank of England

    edit: holy cow. we really are behind the cheeky blokes.
    Last edited by shadowlin; 05-10-2008 at 09:39 PM.

  12. #642
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    Central Florida
    I hope you realize you're going to get a load of crap for quoting wikipedia.
    When seconds count the cops are only minutes away!

    Quote Originally Posted by wenshu View Post
    Sorry, sometimes I forget you guys have that special secret internal sauce where people throw themselves and you don't have to do anything except collect tuition.

  13. #643
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    Prior to World War II, no one outside the government paid income tax; the people were, and understood themselves to be, immune from that tax. During WWII, Congress passed the Victory Tax (56 Stat. 884) to impose an income tax on every individual in The United States of America, something which had not been done by any previous income tax act. Excepted from that tax were those already paying income taxes per I.R.C. 211(a) - nonresident alien individuals with no United States business or office but living in a "contiguous country" and having income from United States sources.

    Because the Victory Tax, a wartime measure, was imposed on individuals in the states of the union (and not countries such as Canada or Mexico), those already taxed by section 211(a) had to be excepted from the Victory Tax or they would be taxed twice. This suggests that the nonresident alien individuals living in "contiguous countries" were in fact living in states such as Virginia and Maryland - being outside the United States (District of Columbia).

    This part is interesting:

    "But because Congress failed to make it generally known that the Victory Tax was no longer in effect, people did not know to discontinue the withholding begun for the Victory Tax. One was then considered as being a volunteer in paying income tax."
    Last edited by Yao Sing; 05-10-2008 at 09:44 PM.
    When seconds count the cops are only minutes away!

    Quote Originally Posted by wenshu View Post
    Sorry, sometimes I forget you guys have that special secret internal sauce where people throw themselves and you don't have to do anything except collect tuition.

  14. #644
    Quote Originally Posted by Yao Sing View Post
    I hope you realize you're going to get a load of crap for quoting wikipedia.
    I could quote a history book, or the IRS itself.

    The 16th Amendment was ratified in 1913. Pre WWI or WWII

    edit: I just said you were right about the Victory Tax. What else do you need?

    Facts are the IRS and federal income tax was created to fund the Fed's interest rates. Historical fact. What are we even arguing here?

  15. #645
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    You can stay there in your barbwire-encirled compound with your 5 underage wives, twiching and rocking back and forth on your heels as you squat in the middle of a dimly-lit empty room cutting different-sized letters out of magazines to paste together your 'manifesto,' but you are even more deluded than you've demonstrated thus far if you think you're going to be taken seriously with this BS.

    I'm sure the outrage of attempting to co-opt the term 'slavery' for your ridiculous political masterbation is completely lost on you, so I'll just say: F.U.

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