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Thread: Attn: GeneChing

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Samuel at Tiger Claw's CA office

    Samuel stopped by the office here this morning and we had a delightful time shooting the bull It's always nice to meet members face to face.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    Don't forget to bleach his seat after he leaves. And wash your hands.

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SifufatfraudAbel
    All I can say is go ahead, investigate away. All you'll find is my foot up your ass. Pretty please , come to my face and tell me that I am not credible, that I am not whom I say I am, that my MA doesn't work. I can guarantee you, you will know the truth THAT DAY.

    hahahahaaahahahhahaaaaa! This guy is a riot!

    I bit heavy on the JFS imitation, but at least he's trying.

    Too funny.

  4. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by SifuAbel
    Don't forget to bleach his seat after he leaves. And wash your hands.
    Nope, I cleaned the monkey poo you threw at me off before I went to Gene's office. And for what its worth, it was your never-ending monologue of @#$% Phrost posts that got you put on ignore.

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    I'll validate that

    Samuel was neat and clean when he visited. No monkey-poo. BTW, Samuel, don't forget to forward me that stuff on....NH was it?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing
    Samuel was neat and clean when he visited. No monkey-poo. BTW, Samuel, don't forget to forward me that stuff on....NH was it?
    Hi Gene:

    I just sent you the links via an e-mail. I do have to say that I was disappointed to find that the "Got Qi?" models were not at your office. Did the Iron Crotch guy get them?

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Samuel Browning
    And for what its worth, it was your never-ending monologue of @#$% Phrost posts that got you put on ignore.
    Pft, I've been doing that for years. Whats so different now? what a vagina.....

  8. #113
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Okaaaaaaaaaay, to get back OT...

    My disciple bro, Xingda, sent me this link to a Bannon story.

    The man who lied about everything

    David Race Bannon has two lives. The one he told everybody about. And the one everybody else tells about him.

    He said he got the scar on his back from being stabbed in a Korean riot.

    His ex-wife says he got it from a kidney operation.

    He said he led a 1998 raid on the Florida branch of a worldwide child-prostitution ring, rescuing an 8-year-old girl and killing one of her kidnappers with a knife to the throat.

    Investigators say he was teaching computer classes at a community college in Raleigh.

    He filled a book with tales of two decades as a secret agent and assassin for Interpol, the international police force.

    He gave TV, radio and newspaper interviews detailing his adventures.

    He was invited to speak far from his Charlotte home on how to battle sex traffickers and child pornographers.

    This week in a Colorado courtroom, prosecutors plan to show that David Race Bannon made it all up.

    All the way down to his name.

    That name might ring a bell if you watch cartoons. Race Bannon was the dashing government agent on the '60s show "Jonny Quest."

    The cartoon Race Bannon was a self-defense expert, skilled with weapons, a trusted operative.

    A hero.

    Everything that David Race Bannon -- born David Wayne Dilley -- apparently is not.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    Telling the real story

    Bannon, who's 43, is due in court Thursday. If anybody knows where he is, nobody's telling.

    He moved from his last known Charlotte address. His last known phone number is disconnected. His lawyer in Colorado wouldn't comment on the case or on Bannon's whereabouts.

    Bannon did show up in court two months ago. That's when he pleaded guilty to one count of criminal impersonation -- a low-level felony -- in Jefferson County, Colo., just outside Denver.

    He said nothing at his plea hearing except to answer the judge.

    At the sentencing, prosecutors don't plan to ask for jail time. Prosecutor Dennis Hall told the Rocky Mountain News that he'll ask the judge to fine Bannon based on income from his book and speaking engagements.

    The main goal is to air his story in public so he won't have a chance to con anybody else.

    Colorado Bureau of Investigation agent Bob Brown puts it this way: "The only thing that we want to do is expose Bannon."

    One speaking engagement Bannon landed was at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police academy.

    Police Chief Darrel Stephens said Saturday that the department invited Bannon to the academy "at least six months to a year ago."

    But somebody called to say police should check into Bannon's background, Stephens said.

    The department canceled the speech.

    Colorado agents arrested Bannon in January. According to their application for an arrest warrant, they'd heard he was offering himself as an expert in human trafficking. The state of Colorado recently created a task force on the same subject.

    So Brown posed as a coordinator with the task force and called Bannon to ask what kind of training he'd suggest. According to court papers, Bannon e-mailed back, offering to do a two-day seminar for $3,000 plus expenses.

    He didn't know the bureau already had a file on him.

    In 2005, Interpol sent the Colorado bureau a message warning that Bannon was a phony. The message said Bannon had appeared in the area and had done media interviews.

    It also mentioned the book Bannon wrote in Charlotte: "Race Against Evil: The Secret Missions of the Interpol Agent Who Tracked the World's Most Sinister Criminals -- A Real-life Drama."

    The message concluded: "The claims in Mr. Bannon's book can only be seen as deceptive and irresponsible fantasy."

    Facts and fiction

    This is what Interpol calls fantasy. This is what Bannon wrote as his life story.The doorman was tall and overweight, but surprisingly nimble. He drew a Heckler & Koch Mark 23 .45 ACP pistol from a mid-back belt-slide holster. I blocked his weapon with my left forearm and, thrusting my body forward, crossed my knife hand over my shoulder and drove the blade down into his throat.


    I slammed my left hand into his extended elbow, sliding my hand to his wrist and pushing down. His body followed the downward motion. I swung the baton on the back of his neck. He fell and I swung again. And again.

    There are 121 reviews of "Race Against Evil" on, and 112 reviewers give it five stars.

    It's a good read.

    Bannon is a young Mormon missionary who gets caught in a Korean student uprising. He kills an attacker -- the one who gave him the scar on his back -- and ends up in prison. Interpol recruits him at 19. He's assigned to Archangel, a project targeting the worldwide sex trade.

    He becomes a "cleaner." His mission is not to bring in the child pornographers and sex traffickers. His mission is to kill them.

    In real life, he's 5-11, 155 pounds, thinning up top. He looks like a guy who might manage a grocery store. But readers saw a noble knight.

    One of the reviewers wrote: "It was difficult to tear myself away from this book. Even when I was at work, the author's humility and convictions stayed with me."

    The book came out in 2003, and Bannon got noticed. He did book signings, radio talk shows, newspaper interviews. The Observer did an article that took his story at face value. We followed up with a piece noting that Interpol said he was a fraud.

    At the time, Bannon replied: "It is reasonable to expect any clandestine organization to deny an exposé of its operations."

    In other words: Of course they're not going to TELL you I was a secret agent.

    But something else makes Bannon's adventures unlikely.

    His wife at the time says she was with him, here in the States, living an ordinary life.

    `He wants to be special'

    Susan Schneider has remarried and lives in South Carolina now. She doesn't want to rake her ex over the coals. They have a daughter together. And Susan doesn't think David is well.

    But she talked a little to the Colorado investigators, and she talks a little to me.

    She met David Dilley in 1983 at Brigham Young University. They married in 1985 and moved to Washington state.

    In 1988, according to Bannon's old Web site, he was a translator for the U.S. Olympic volleyball team in Seoul.

    That summer, Schneider says, the two of them were caretakers for a mortuary in Spokane.

    She says her husband obsessed over comic books, especially ones that featured superheroes.

    He also longed to be a writer.

    In 1990, she says, he decided Dilley wasn't a good name for a writer. Not serious enough. So the whole family (their daughter was a year old) changed their last names to Bannon.

    The couple separated that same year. She told investigators he was a habitual liar.

    Only after they broke up did David become Race Bannon.

    "He just took it to the next level, just like he did with anything else," she says. "He wants to be special, but he doesn't want to put in the work."

    Credentials in question

    Most of the documented work Bannon has done over the past decade involves computers.He taught at Guilford Technical Community College in 1997 and '98. The Greensboro News & Record quoted him that year in a story on the Y2K bug.

    According to court papers, Wake Tech hired him to work in information systems later in 1998. Two years later, the school double-checked his resume. He had claimed degrees from Korean universities and provided paperwork: a report from an education company that evaluates international credentials.

    Court papers say the report was a fake.

    Wake Tech fired him in 2000. That same year, according to his book, something happened that gave him the inspiration to write about his secret life.

    His daughter asked him how he got his scar.

    `Something more than ordinary'

    After "Race Against Evil" came out, Bannon took some offers to speak on child trafficking. One was at a Colorado campus in 2004.

    According to court papers, his contacts from that speech led to his arrest this year.

    A nonprofit organizer he'd met then asked him to come back for a benefit. The Colorado agents found out. That led them to ask Bannon about doing a training session, which led to Bannon naming his price.

    As far as the agents were concerned, that met the standard for criminal impersonation. He wasn't just talking about his secret-agent life. He was asking to get paid for it.

    The application for the arrest warrant says: "It is evident that Bannon is engaged in an ongoing business in which he is paid substantial fees for speaking engagements and training seminars."

    Bob Brown, the Colorado agent, said Bannon made a DVD of the 2004 speech he gave in Colorado, plus clips from TV interviews and radio shows. He sent out the DVD to solicit business as a speaker.

    After Bannon's arrest, other people published investigations of their own.

    A Connecticut lawyer named Samuel Browning runs a Web site called, which exposes people who inflate their martial arts credentials. Bannon claims to be a third-degree black belt in hapkido -- a Korean martial art -- and has written for kung fu magazines.

    Browning spent two years checking dozens of details in Bannon's book -- down to the number of floors in a London hotel where Bannon says he killed a man. In February, Browning published a 10,000-word piece online that disputes most of the key stories in Bannon's book.

    Across the country, Pamela White was writing an apology.

    White, the editor of Boulder Weekly newspaper, did a long article featuring Bannon in 2004. After his arrest, she did an even longer piece about the doubts she'd had about him -- and why she had put aside those doubts.

    "As a journalist, you have a built-in alarm that tells you who's a fake, who's a jerk and who's just crazy," she said in a phone interview. "None of those alarms went off. He wasn't begging for publicity. He's a really compelling, nice guy."

    That last part comes up again, over and over. His ex-wife says he's a nice guy. Newspaper stories call him pleasant. In radio interviews he comes off almost shy, as if he doesn't want to talk about killing child pornographers, but OK, if you insist.

    It's the personality you might match up with a guy who's 5-11, 155, with thinning hair. A guy who works with computers. A guy who collects comic books.

    The kind of guy you might never notice.

    That guy, with that life, wrote a 334-page book to create a new one.

    In his book, Bannon talks about one of his own heroes: the TV detective Columbo.

    Bannon writes: That guy was brilliant, I swear. Smart, polite and an act of simplicity that fooled everybody. A man one could learn from.

    Pamela White, the newspaper editor, has thought about why Bannon would do what he did.

    "He wants so badly to be a hero," she says. "More than that, he wants to be recognized as a hero and treated as a hero. He needed to be something more than ordinary."

    He always wanted to write. So he wrote.

    He changed David Wayne Dilley to David Race Bannon.

    And for three years, he lived as a hero.

    Now, on the paperwork he filled out after his arrest, he lists his current occupation.

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #115
    David Race Bannon, 42, of Charlotte, North Carolina, claims to have worked for Interpol as a hit man, was arrested Friday, Jan. 27, in Boulder, Colo. for criminal impersonation. How silly is it that anyone would believe that Interpol uses a hitman? He did not even keep it a secret. He bragged about it and wrote a book about it. So the they arrested him for impersonating a criminal. LOL. Would you believe the world renown criminal had no criminal record? Even instant internet background checks return phone number, address, address history for 30 years, age, birthdates, household members, relatives, associates, property ownership, lawsuits, marriage, divorce, criminal records check, sex offenders, terrorist watch, bankruptcy, tax liens. So why did the police invite him to be a guest lecturer? Police can be so dumb.

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