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Thread: So I got to make dit da jow the other day

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Under the old oak tree
    Ah, so you have heard of the secret forum-ula - just make sure the stallion is under the age of 10.


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Augusta, GA
    Ok, folks, I am on Dale's side of the fence here. It's like if I were to walk up to a Soldier looking down the barrel of his rifle trying to clean it.

    There is absolutely no excuse for suggesting toxic chemicals be used on a topical solution, especially mercury. I think we need to put aside the idea of hurting someone's feelings if that person is recommending harmful practices. We have gone past a civil disagreement to a situation where a novice could be harmed by following the directions.

    As for the anonymous nature of the net, it's great when simply posting random anecdotes. However, when professional advice is given, it should be backed up by someone who has worked in the profession. This may be the net, but people still are obligated to back their proposed works. It's not a free for all.
    The weakest of all weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire.
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    A warrior may choose pacifism; others are condemned to it.
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    "You don't feel lonely.Because you have a lively monkey"

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  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove
    Ok, I have a question.

    What does Cinnabar actually do in the formula? Why is it there? What can be substituted for it's place?

    Now, I have a Materia Medica and can look this up myself, HOWEVER I think due to the direction of this thread it may be a good idea for the more experienced and knowledgeable people here to offer some insite to this herb and it's uses, as well as why it should not be used today.

    I think in the past it was not a well known fact that Mercury is poisonous over long term use...or they would not have used it even then.

    However, since we know this now in modern times, It might be more productive for us to talk about what substitutes can be used to replace it as well.
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

    For the Women:

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  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Tampa, FL
    Cinnabar helps to do a few things(at least according to theory)

    Calms the Heart; Calms the Mind; Clears Heat; Expels toxins.

    Clearing heat and expelling toxins is what I would see it being used in dit da formulas. You would want to get heat and swelling down. Toxins could also be causing problems with swelling and pain and getting rid of them would be warranted.

    But you can use many other herbs in the materia medica that clear heat and expel toxins. Take your pick. Most formula were designed by herbalists in certain areas that had certain herbs.

    Not all herbs were everywhere hence the wide variety of formula and herbs.
    Mouth Boxers have not the testicular nor the spinal fortitude to be known.
    Hence they hide rather than be known as adults.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by OTD View Post
    • 1 liter bottle of strong vodka, gin or Chinese rice wine
    • Artemesia (Liu ji nu) - 5g
    • Borneol (Bingpian) - 1g
    • Carthamus (Honghua) - 5g
    • Catechu (Ercha) - 8g
    • Cinnabar (Zhusha) - 5g
    • Cirsium (DaJi) - 1g
    • Dragon's Blood (Xuejie) - 30g
    • Mastic (Ruxiang) - 5g
    • Musk (Shexiang) - 1g
    • Myrrh (Moyao) - 5g
    • Pinellia (ShengBanXia) - 5g

    Grind up place in alcohol stir weekly ready on 60 days
    really strong after 6 months. Keep out of open wounds

    This is a Wing Chun Dit Da Jow, by Sifu John Crescione:

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove
    If you were to post a formula without posting the herbs themselves, but instead by posting thier function only, what would it look like?
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

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  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Under the old oak tree
    Quote Originally Posted by Royal Dragon View Post
    What does Cinnabar actually do in the formula? Why is it there? What can be substituted for it's place?
    Mercury preparations have a strong antimicrobial action, and have been used in conventional medicine since the early 1900's (i.e. mercurochrome). So, mercury is not all bad. In fact, mercury's toxicity is largely dependent on its form.

    My guess is the ancients found the cinnabar to prevent infection, and speed the healing of the microscopic wounds created as a result of training the hands. Also, it's "cold" properties mitigate the warm/hot herbs that largely comprise the formula and may simply have been found to prevent a rash from the other irritating herbs.

    I don't think the cinnabar is used in this formula for calming the spirit But, the substance was highly regarded as the elixir of immortality, so I can see a symbolic (or even energetic) reason for its inclusion.

    As for substitutions, I think I'd put Da Huang (Rhubarb) and Zi Ran Tong (Iron Pyrite). Both have cold energy and are used for treating traumatic injury. The Da Huang has the added benefit of an antibacterial action, while the Zi Ran Tong helps fractures to heal more quickly.


    herb ox

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Stallion pee and mercury

    Stallion urine is allegedly high in a steriod-like compound (which we know is skin permeable from the Bonds case ) so I've heard postulation that the legend of the stable boy being a stud might be founded in the exposure to horse pee. Stranger things have happened. Urine, particularly that of virgin boys, is a common element in many kung fu curatives. I'm disappointed that no one here picked up on the reference.

    As for mercury, it is universally considered as a mystical element. If you look at almost ancient culture, it figures prominent as a common ingredient, particularly in the quest for the philosopher's stone, which is essentially what the external dan is in ancient TCM. That is the same dan as in dantian, and we all know where that research went, right? Dan means cinnabar. Given all this history, I'm really surprised it drew such a violent reaction, since anyone who knows there history, knows the origin.

    Know your roots and culture.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  9. #39
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    I think it drew such a strong reaction because it's poisionus and we are supposed to know better because we are in modern times now. The ignorance of our ancestors is supposed to be log gone.
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

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  10. #40
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    ignorance of our ancestors

    By "ignorance of our ancestors" do you mean that our ancestors were ignorant or that we are ignorant of our ancestors? Neither is long gone. Quite the opposite, I'd say.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  11. #41

  12. #42
    I don't know why you guys buy stallion urine. Just go study Shaolin Ninjitsu, and you'll be pissing out a goldmine.
    1bad65--They Call Him Ore Ida, the Tater-Terminator
    Quote Originally Posted by Mega-Foot View Post
    We had to shut down our first Shaolin Ninjitsu in Shangdong when a key mistranslation of ancient scrolls led to the entire clan bowing down to incense and burning buddhas everywhere in the province.
    Quote Originally Posted by John Takeshi View Post
    Trolling? What does fishing have to do with this?
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  13. #43
    Join Date
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    Under the old oak tree
    I mentioned the 10 year old stallion... Gene, I'm surprised YOU didn't catch the reference...

    Actually, regarding the urine of a virgin boy... there's nothing mystical about it, but urine does have some medicinal qualities as supported by both Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. The idea behind the virginity aspect is that the urine should basically be free from diseases at that early age. Urine is sterile from healthy humans. However, it makes an excellent bacterial growth medium

    Wait, haven't we had this discussion before?


  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    10 year old stallion?

    A colt is under 4. A 10 year old stallion is aged.

    Here's some urine therapy for you (but I think this thread is going the wrong direction now...)
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #45
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh PA
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    A colt is under 4. A 10 year old stallion is aged.

    Here's some urine therapy for you (but I think this thread is going the wrong direction now...)

    Iron Crotch and Golden Showers, THIS is what tcma is all about!
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