Any time is a good time to train. If you are not attending a school under a teacher's watchful eye and proper guidance, then training when you do for as long as you do is what you are willing to put into it. As far as you know, you are training well and hard...or are you?

It's a rare breed of person to be able to keep proper consistent and productive training going on their own. You need to set goals that cover many areas of training, from a good 10-20 minutes of basics and advanced basics to drilling patterns and performing patterns to bag work if you do not have a training partner.

It also depends on your MA goals. Although some may debate this, you can not improve your fighting if you train alone and do not practise fighting on an interactive partner. Period.

If you feel your training is haphazzard, then you are not training effectively and to your maximum benefit. Perhaps it is time for a change.
