TM: yes, for the most part you could say that. My teacher was from Taiwan (actually from Shanxi but went there with the "migration" of '49), he learned "kai ko shih" (open mouth lion), "bi ko shih" (closed mouth lion) and southern lion dancing in Taipei. Although the open and closed mouth lions are the more popular for performances in TW (it's easy to teach kids and they look so cute!), my teacher enjoyed the southern style more because of its rigorous demands on the performer and saw it as a great way to supplement the students training in gong fu. He was also a big beleiver in the concept that kuoshu meant more than just fighting, it should be a balance of "wu" (martial) and "wen" (civil), educated students on both concepts made "strong bodies, strong minds, strong country". So, even though he was a teacher of northern gong fu only, he liked the southern lion for it's beauty and expression.

