Quote Originally Posted by hskwarrior View Post
if you sifu were alive would he want to see all the drama going on.
anybody else want to answer this one? <looks around> no? ok: YES; sad to say, CTS thrived on drama - if there wasn't any, he went and created it; those who were there know what I mean; 'nuff said...

so, there's nothing wrong with green cloud, sifu gus can now make his legacy.
well, actually , there is something "wrong" with the term "Green Cloud" - not only is it a meaningless term (in terms of having anything to do with the tradition of a style), but from a philological perspective (and this is according to my current sifu who is a trained Chinese classicist) , it's bad form: that is, the qualitative aspect of the language would not "allow" for these two characters to be together - it's basically a mater of literary style...

unfortunately for Gus, and I do mean this sincerely, he has invested a significant portion of his livelihood in a name that is a mistake - and I'm guessing that it's conflicting to him, because while teachers in the TCMA community may care about being accurate with this sort of thing (and Gus does hold himself out as a "traditionalist" in that community), 99.9% of his paying clients couldn't give a crap, and in fact changing the name, from a marketing perspective, would be a nightmare (I mean, it took Cingular over a year to advertise its transition to AT&T, and that's a nationally recognized brand name to begin with!) and wouldn't make a difference after all is said and done anyway; and this is why he is on here "debating" the term and trying to come up with a justification as to why he should keep using it;

btw, as re: the Bible: the Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew and was then translated to Greek; the New Testament was written largely in Greek, but some of it was translated from texts written in Aramaic or Hebrew