Quote Originally Posted by Knifefighter View Post
Please post a link to a WC person fighting with the "Double Clubs"... anything like this will do:

Great clip of the Dog Brothers tourney! I was laughing slightly when the sticks when out the window for an all out bash-fest NHB style. But hey! That's what happens when you drop your weapon, isn't it?

Decent work by most there, and I've always respected the competitors of this sort of match, but still hard to find Wing Chun people actually 'using' Wing Chun Double Clubs to be honest Knifefighter!

Most inherit or mix their methods with Escrima/Kali/Pares concepts at best, so the chances of me finding anyone from my background actually competing is hard. But I will try. Lee Shing Family is so small, it may take more time for us all to see actual practitioners that can compete (safetly!)

Most of what I see in the clip is simply Wing Chun, but I would say that eh!