Do you think the kung fu school that served as NACMAF's office was wired like the white house?

Ask anyone who was in the federation, and many of them are still on this board. There was a meeting and in it we all had a huge laugh about "Sin The" and his bogus application....

You're "big tactic" was to ask me for proof I traveled with CTS

Do you need an encyclopdia reference to know the sky is blue?

The fact that Sin The doesn't ever mix with anyone in the legit TCMA world is self evidence of the fact that he's a giant fraud.... then of course there is the bogus crap you idiots practice!

The story about your idiot master meeting CTS at Brendan Lai's! LMFAO, there is a famous picture of us with CTS in Brendan Lai's..... knowing how prone "Sin" is to lying, I'm sure he saw the picture and cooked up the story about meeting CTS and CTS approving of him

AGAIN, CTS would have laughed in his face.....