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Thread: Art D'Agostino

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Art D'Agostino

    Is Art still around these days? How about the ShangWu Farms.. I could never find the website or information about his teachings.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Nashville USA
    As far as I know. He has a student who posts here, Israel. Maybe he will chime in, but I`ll do some digging.
    I am still a student practicing - Wang Jie Long

    "Don`t Taze Me Bro"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida
    Hi Bill,

    I spoke with Art briefly at Nick's tournament over Memorial Day.. too briefly as i was judging, but.. one of his students was competing Chen Style and i think he got first or second.. Art seemed to be doing well and his student showed promise.. The Chen field of competitors was not particularly inspiring , Art's student had good upper body and arm/hand structure, but his foundation/legs were disconnected and collapsing inward.. Art said he had only been training just over a year, pretty impressive for such a short training period..

    How about you, how's things? I just spent Sunday with Jeff R. and WCC Chen for a day long workshop on applications, really nicely done.. i had a recent seminar with Share K. Lew on Taoist "Cloud hands" QiGong form (not as in Yang "Cloud Hands", though some similarities)..

    Be well..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Hey Bob,

    I'm doing ok.. Back in Shanghai until November when I'll head to Florida to help take care of my aging mother in Sebring.

    Here's a short clip of one of our Bagua forms with me and my teacher:

    It's called "Subduing Tiger Lo Han" form.

    Shanghai is starting to cool off (relatively) and so practice will intensify as the weather cools.

    Chinese language study has taken a back seat to my Martial/Nei Gong studies but will pick up when I get to Florida.

    When I'm not practicing Bagua or taking lessons I routinely go play with some push hands guys and get my butt kicked there. ha ha...

    I'll be in Florida for a good while this time so perhaps we can hook up, maybe at one of your meetup group meetings.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    South FL. Which is not to be confused with any part of the USA
    TCB, I didn't know Share Lew was still alive and kicking. How was the seminar?

    Supposedly, Sifu David Kash trained with Lew and some of what I've learned as 'toaist' principles of internal stuff trace back to him.
    "George never did wake up. And, even all that talking didn't make death any least not for us. Maybe, in the end, all you can really hope for is that your last thought is a nice one...even if it's just about the taste of a nice cold beer."

    "If you find the right balance between desperation and fear you can make people believe anything"

    "Is enlightenment even possible? Or, did I drive by it like a missed exit?"

    It's simpler than you think.

    I could be completely wrong"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Cloud Hands

    I've learned this set before. Also called Short 31.

    Includes 5 different exercises and also should have the Earth Meditation included.

    I'm also curious Bob,

    on the 4th exercise, hugging the body and down to the thighs, I've learned this two ways.

    1. End on the inner thigh.


    2. End on the outer thigh (the published video on this exercise ends this way).

    Which way did SKL teach this in this seminar?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    South Texas

    Art D'Agostino

    Yes, Art D'Agostino still trains. He focuses on Chen & Mantis, with some chinese weaponry. His student is my younger brother. He is good. Really good for only a year. He just opened a nutrition store. I should be seeing him this month.

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