Quote Originally Posted by Justinrohrman View Post
I only read parts of it, but found the portions about steroids to be absolutely ridiculous and near laughable. What is the point of listing side effects such as increased libido? And including some anecdotal reference from a high school athlete? Come on.

Where was the evidence to support such claims? Mear hearsay from one person was used to ignite the authors tangent?

-IDK, I am not challenging you in anyway, just some of the authors claims.

I think the purpose of mentioning the side effects of steriod use, which the author states were not well understood at the time, is to present his theory that Bruce's behavioral (and physical) problems were drug-induced, and not part of his innate character. Sure, Bruce had a bit of an ego and is even quoted in the story to have admitted, "I'm not saying I'm modest...," but this story presents his psychological problems as being more severe than those of a self-centered kid.

I haven't finished reading the story either (I'm about half-way through it), but it sounds like it is going down the path of suggesting an alternate theory for cause of Bruce's death. I can't wait to finish reading this, but I'm too tired to continue at the moment.