Id certainly need to see him apply this to a resisting opponent.

I understand the concept hes trying to cross over but my initial impression having sparred with grapplers is that it aint gunna be useful.

In the traditional sence, its out of its depth, same for Chi Sao IMO.
In a theoretical sence, as in the strategies it holds (not the theoretical non fighter sence) Chi Sao can be useful, however limited.

As for your inuendo T, Tai Chi Toy Sao and VT Chi Sao are very different beasts IME.

Forget the physical for a moment, and think of the strategy.

Inherent in my Chi Sao training is the idea that if you stick with me, i can stick/grapple with you to create openings / opportunities to bang.

This happens because the top position IME wants to nutralise your ability to attack, and work for submission, hence having taken you down in the first place.

If you dont stick/grapple, posture up and GNP for instance, ill take the openings you give me and bang untill my knuckles are black and blue, if i survive your GNP

Ive incorparated elements of my Chi Sao training and elements of Larry Gordons BRITISH CQB techniques for use in the bottom position, with results... but it isnt a special answer for everything and it needs other attributes to reinforce it when you meet an opponent that can deal with it, just like everything else in combat.