Quote Originally Posted by msg View Post
i was doing both body building and strength training .and lifting to much weghts will interfear with internal arts.your useing more of your tendens scelatel stucture.dont think i spelled that right anyways,..your mucles need to be relaxed in a certain way .isometrix is the way to go..pushups will also give you that strength and explosive power ..i can still press 310 with no prob just from pushups ...my buddy all he has done is isometrix because he was locked up for a while he came out stronger than me when i was working with weights
Learning to relax your muscles at the right moment is important for any activity that requires explosive power, and lots of other athletes that require explosiveness lift weights.

You said "Lift weights TOO MUCH". I'm not sure what you mean by "too much" but certainly if all you do is lift weights, and you don't allow yourself proper recovery time, or if you don't do enough stretching, then yes, it will cause problems.

But again, it's important to know the difference between body building, and strength / power training.

Have you ever seen Mike Tyson fight? Do you think he has no "tendon / skeletal alignment" (whatever that means) behind his punches? I bet he does lots of weight training.

Oh, and are you saying that you can get stronger doing pushups than lifting weights? Because that's just plain wrong. If it were the case, don't you think people would have given up on weights a long time ago?

You can bench 310 lbs, and you don't do any bench press... just pushups? I don't believe that.