So, I'm bouncing between workouts right now. My goal is to lose weight, I'm at 188 now, I started at 195 (I'm 5'7 with a medium build) about a month ago. What I'm doing is OK, but I need to just pick something and go with it for the next three weeks before I switch it up again. I'm going to be modifying my diet again next week (been staggering those changes a bit in the last few itterations).

The last three weeks I'd been doing a upper/lower routine, where I traded days throughout the week. I don't know if I like it though.

So, that being said, I'm looking at doing something like this:

Monday: chest, triceps, shoulders

Tuesday: cardio, abs

Weds day: Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves

Thursday: cardio, abs

Friday: back, biceps, forearms

And I'd jump on the ellipticle or bike each day after lifting (cardio would be a rotation between bike, ellipticle, and maybe treadmill or jogging) to burn a few extra calories.

Wondering though at once a week if I'm working specific areas enough though.