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Thread: Kristoffer

  1. #1
    blaktiger Guest


    Ok, I know I should let this go, but since you used profanity in responding to my post earlier, I'm calling you out.

    BTW thank for for correcting my spelling of Sweden. Now YOU need to learn to spell "whatsoever", "because", etc., AND learn sentance structure "what soever power?" Considering your many misspellings and mangling of the English language, I am honored to be corrected by you. :rolleyes:

    Tell me I'm wrong; that when the government of Sweden gives you an apartment, you actually end up on a waiting list, and you must take the apartment no matter where it is. (Assuming one still wants the free apartment) Not that Sweden has bad neighborhoods, but the apartment may be inconveniently located for you.

    Tell me I'm wrong - most countries in Europe force young men to enlist in the military for a period of three years or more? In that, I'm actually jealous of Sweden. While it may be a violation of civil liberties, I think America should do the same. AND you guys get to keep an automatic weapon in your homes without the same gun control BS we have here.

    YOU STILL HAVE A KING that the "commoners" have no say so in electing, chosing, or whatever. And unless you can prove royal blood, you don't get a chance to wear the "figurehead" crown. Whether or not he has any political power, your tax dollars support whatever he does, whatever he wants, wherever he lives.

    You didn't respond to my assumption that you guys pay up to 40% of your income in taxes. Does that mean it's true, or you were too busy hammering away at my first point?

    Bro, I'm not dissing your country. :confused: I'm sorry you took it that way, but I am hardly apologizing for my opinion. I take great offense to butt darts who think this country is the worst thing God ever allowed to be created, and I used your country as an example; since my friend brought it up.

    "I'll be too busy lookin' good!"

  2. #2
    FeloniousMonk Guest

    I'm American, but hey who cares!

    I'm american and I dis America. Who cares, I mean I just happened to grow up here. If I grew up in Germany should I have pride in Germany? Countries brainwash people, to have pride in the Country they live in! It's easy to do, afterall, people only know what they are expossed to, and most don't leave the country they grew up in. Then the media tells you what they want you to hear, pride steps in and says, "hey that's not right!" The next thing you know we're shooting at people we don't know! People, who we would probably like under different circumstances. Pride is not only a sin, it's a sign of weakness! I know this because I am........ :D

    The unbeatable Felonious Monk

  3. #3
    dz Guest

    I have no idea ...

    ... what all this is about. Just want to clarify
    some parts of African Tiger's post (yeah, I'm a
    Swede). :)

    "Tell me I'm wrong; that when the government of Sweden gives you an apartment, you actually end up on a waiting list, and you must take the apartment no matter where it is [..]"

    - Actually, the government don't give you
    an apartment. You can sign up to a waiting line
    for apts, but if you don't want that you can
    always buy your apt. This is mostly common for
    large cities like Stockholm or Gothenburg. In
    most cities, you can have what available apts
    you want.

    "Tell me I'm wrong - most countries in Europe force young men to enlist in the military for a period of three years or more?"

    - I have no idea what kind of compulsory military
    services the other European countries have. But I
    do know that CMS in Sweden is between from 7 months
    (infantry grunts for an example) up to about 24
    months (usually in the Navy personell). Actually, Swedish
    Defence is cutting down a great portion of it's
    forces. Many young men today don't get the
    opportunity (yeah, I'm a military fan) to do the

    "AND you guys get to keep an automatic weapon in your homes without the same gun control BS we have here[..]"

    - No, we don't get to keep automatic weapons in
    our homes, it's the officers in the National Home
    Guard that do that. The gun control here is
    actually quite strict.

    "YOU STILL HAVE A KING that the "commoners" have no say so in electing, chosing, or whatever. And unless you can prove royal blood, you don't get a chance to wear the "figurehead" crown. Whether or not he has any political power, your tax dollars support whatever he does, whatever he wants, wherever he lives."

    - That is true though.

    "[..] that you guys pay up to 40% of your income in taxes [..]"

    - It is true that Sweden has one of the highest
    income taxes in Europe (of not the world). It's
    more about 30% for the common income takers,
    though. High-income earners may pay 40% or more,
    depending on how much they actually earn. But
    then again, we have (almost) free medical care,
    free compulsory school, free
    colleges/universities, government subsidies, etc
    etc. I'm no big fan of high taxes though, but
    I do enjoy many of the privilegies I get from

    Once again, I have no idea what started this
    discussion anyway. Do I like Sweden? Yes. Do I
    agree with all that our politicians do? No, of
    course not. Am I proud of being Swedish? Not
    particulary Swedish since I'm of Chinese origins.
    But... yeah, I love this country (especially
    all the blonde girls here). :D


    PS. No, we're not commies although many of you
    guys over there thought so during the 80's and
    90's. ;)

    [This message was edited by Wai on 10-24-01 at 12:53 AM.]

  4. #4
    scotty1 Guest

    Felonious Monk....

    In your last post you have talked more sense than most of the people who have posted on anything country/terrorism have managed so far.

    Are you being sarcastic?! :p

  5. #5
    qeySuS Guest
    Btw although it's true that the king is not elected, it's not like the king holds any rights, it's propably just like our Icelandic president. The president is just an Icon for other nations (kinda like the president in "The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy").

    It's a congress bound monarchy.

    Free thinkers are dangerous!

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