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Thread: Myth of the CMA forum

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Central Florida

    Myth of the CMA forum

    Rumor has it there's an Internet forum that's all about Chinese Kung Fu and discussions center around all forms of Chinese martial arts.

    Some say it's related to a hardcopy magazine. Anyone know where this fantasy forum can be found?

    All I can seem to find is MMA round and round discussions.
    When seconds count the cops are only minutes away!

    Quote Originally Posted by wenshu View Post
    Sorry, sometimes I forget you guys have that special secret internal sauce where people throw themselves and you don't have to do anything except collect tuition.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Grand Rapids, MI
    Heh....same thing's happening at dragonslist. Face it, they won't be satisfied until they achieve world domination.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pittsburgh PA
    i agree, the debates are tired, very very tired. I don't practice CMA anymore but don't feel the need to argue why I don't.
    Bless you

  4. #4
    The myth about a forum is to clear things or "demyth" myths.

    oops. My tongue stuck.

    MMA or not. Any martial arts require practice overtime. Any skills take practice overtime to get good. Well they are Kung Fu.

    whatever style, MMA=MT+BJJ is also a style and Kung Fu.

    MT from Thai boxing, several hundred years old or older.

    BJJ 3 generations or more and then from Japan--

    Are they new?


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh PA
    you are contributing to the tired debate.
    Bless you

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Permanent state of Denial
    From what I've heard, MMA is just another front for Scientology....

    They're out to get us, man. They'll stop at nothing. You see, the IRS, in league with the English banks, means to keep us thrall to Intergalactic Warlord, Lord Xenu's vicous body thetans.....

    Wait....who's that knockin' at my door?

    Oh ****!!!!!!!

    *crash* *boom* *clang*

    Take that, you MMMutha****a!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Davis, CA
    A debate of CMA v. MMA is still about CMA. I mostly see this here in the General forum. I go to the Southern or Shaolin forums for other aspects of CMA.

    A few years ago, I completely avoided the General forum because I felt threatened by the CMA critics. Now that I'm somewhat more open-minded, I find it helpful to keep my training under constant scrutiny. Just take it all with a grain of salt.

  8. #8
    The fact that 90%+ of these discussions has not been initiated by an MMAer should speak volumes on the issue.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Lakeland Fl USA
    Quote Originally Posted by street_fighter View Post
    The fact that 90%+ of these discussions has not been initiated by an MMAer should speak volumes on the issue.
    Actually, that would make no sense. "these" discussions? what part of your anus did this brain fart come from?

    Boy, you are the embodiment of whats wrong with this forum. WTF, does an upstart 17 year old BOY know? Not a whole heck of a lot, thats what.

    The LAST thing we need is another whining mimi kid coming in here regergitating the same old BS he learned on the 1nt3rn3tz trying to look cool in front of his friends.
    Last edited by SifuAbel; 01-07-2007 at 09:08 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Xi'an, P.R.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yao Sing View Post
    Rumor has it there's an Internet forum that's all about Chinese Kung Fu and discussions center around all forms of Chinese martial arts.

    Some say it's related to a hardcopy magazine. Anyone know where this fantasy forum can be found?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by street_fighter View Post
    You are a very sad, frustrated man, arent you.
    Yeah, it is pretty pathetic to pick on somebody just because they're young. I have to agree having argued with Golden Arhat about life after 20, that considering he's only 16, I probably shouldn't have entered into a debate about that, but just because somebody's 17 doesn't mean they don't know anything.

    When I was younger, I used to hang around with a lot of young people who at 13 had a lot more experience in some areas and a better handle on some things than many adults.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Lakeland Fl USA
    Pft, Both of you are idiots.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by SifuAbel View Post
    Pft, Both of you are idiots.
    Whatever, dude.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    There's been an inordinate amount of cyberbullying here lately

    That's a shame, really. Our focus at is CMA, first and foremost, but this is a forum, open to all comers. It wouldn't be authentic if we were to eliminate those outside of CMA. To remain vital, CMA must exist in context of modern times. While many think this is new, some backlash from MMA perhaps, if you study history, you know that all traditional martial arts have been grappling with issues of validity for the past several centuries. MMA poses less of a threat than the personal firearm did.

    A part of me wants to blame the recent rudeness on our forum on MMA phenomenon. Don't get me wrong - I love MMA - but it's rampant commercialism has brought about a general loss of etiquette in the martial arts. That's the real sacrifice and something we'll all have to deal with in the future. But truth be told, I don't really think that's what's at fault here. It's more the insecurities of the traditionalists, and I say that as a traditionalist. In general, traditionalists are too easily sucker-punched by the ol' MMA 'real in the ring' debate.

    We crossed a critical landmark when we topped 10,000 members. Since then, we've been receiving about two to three dozen spambot membership applications a day. We filter that, of course. But along with the increased traffic, we've been getting more newbies. Here again, there's been a drift towards rudeness at the newbies. I think this is a result of the current state of netiquette along with fallout from the trolling. It's a shame too, because if you think about it, you wouldn't treat a beginning student so rudely. Everyone is a beginner once. When we get rude to beginners for no other reason than knee-jerk reaction, we start to lose sight of the future.

    OK, that being said, Yao Sing, I echo Ravenshaw here. This is a large forum. There are plenty of great CMA thread if you poke around. If you spend all the time stuck in CMA vs. MMA debates, that's really your fault. You're just looking in the wrong place.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Yao Sing just got the virtual crotch kick! POW!
    Check out my wooden dummy website:

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