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Thread: Rocky 6

  1. #31
    Have seen the movie. It is has heart, it has spirit and good marks of the Rocky movies...
    ...ask for Kam
    "Fool me once, then shame on you. Fool me twice, then shame on me"

  2. #32
    Just got back from seeing it tonite and I agree with Sihing and GHD, definitely a great movie like I expected! And some of the punch lines Sly and Burt Young say are hysterical!

    Goin back this tues to see it again!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    I saw it last week and liked it a lot.
    IMO, it's the best sequel since at least Rocky 3, if not out of all of them. He totally returns Rocky to his roots. It's much more than a boxing movie; the drama throughout the movie are things that really do happen to people, and this realism, plus the pure heart of the movie, makes it a very good film. I know there are some movie reviewers out there who give condescending, smirky reviews of Rocky Balboa, but the lessons told in it are real and important for anyone. It particularly hits home for those of us who are beginning to get up in numbers.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Land O' Lakes, FL

    Thumbs up

    Just got back from seeing it, and if anyone is a fan of the original, I highly recommend it.

    I especially liked the scene with him and his son - "It's not how hard you can hit, it's how many hits you can take".


    Embrace your enemy, for he is not - he is just confused.
    "It is very hard to unleash the dragon and then put it back in the box without being devoured in the process."
    -Sifu Abel

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    van, bc, canada

    Thoroughly enjoyed it!

    Saw it this evening (along with Curse of the Golden Flower) and must its a good movie and thoroughly enjoyable.

    Gotta also say for a man of 60 Stallone looks great, he's obviously aged since the other Rocky's but still nonetheless looks great. Only hope when I hit that age I will look half as good.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2005
    South Jersey.
    That's probably the first movie I've seen in a theater that made me feel really, really good. It's kinda funny, how he went off on the whole "you gotta do it for yourself" thing, but I couldn't help but disagree. He wasn't just doing it for himself, he was doing it for everybody who ever got told they couldn't.

    That, and I don't think South Philly's ever been given that much of dead on spotlight before.

    Frikken love Rocky.
    Many roads. One path.

    Many styles. One art.

    Many lineages. One practioner.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by 5Animals1Path View Post
    That's probably the first movie I've seen in a theater that made me feel really, really good. It's kinda funny, how he went off on the whole "you gotta do it for yourself" thing, but I couldn't help but disagree. He wasn't just doing it for himself, he was doing it for everybody who ever got told they couldn't.
    Ditto to that!
    ...ask for Kam
    "Fool me once, then shame on you. Fool me twice, then shame on me"

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Creed 2

    I could've sworn we had a Creed thread going here but it didn't pop in a search. So I'll post this here for lack of another place.

    Creed 2: Dolph Lundgren Trains For Drago’s Return
    By Chris Agar 22 hours ago

    Dolph Lundgren is hitting the gym to train as he gets in shape to reprise Ivan Drago in the upcoming Creed 2. The actor first portrayed the Russian boxer in 1985’s Rocky IV, becoming one of the franchise’s most notable “villains” due to his brute strength and quotable lines, which included the chilling “I must break you.” While the Rocky films have continued in the three decades since with two direct sequels and the first Creed installment, the character of Drago hasn’t been heard from since he was defeated by the Italian Stallion in their fateful match. That is set to change in the near future, however, with Creed 2 coming through the pipeline.

    Earlier this summer, Sylvester Stallone revealed he was working on the screenplay with the hopes of filming in 2018. He also confirmed that Drago would be returning in the sequel, giving the drama a personal layer. Viewers may recall that Apollo Creed, father of Creed‘s protagonist Adonis, was killed during a fight against the Soviet machine. It remains to be seen if Donny will get a revenge shot at Drago, but Lundgren is certainly preparing for such a bout, if his latest social media activity is any indication.

    Taking to Instagram, the actor posted a video of him going through an intense workout as he waits for filming to start. In the shot montage, Lundgren lifts weights, does pushups, and even gets some punches in. You can check it out for yourself in the space below:

    Going by the hashtags in his post (plus his tagging of Stallone), it’s obvious Lundgren isn’t just doing some exercising for fun. He’s got a big job to get ready for. As Creed 2 makes its way through development, many will be intrigued to see how Drago fits into the narrative. Lundgren is only a few months away from his 60th birthday, meaning it could be a stretch to see him go toe-to-toe with the 30-year old Michael B. Jordan, but it’s still possible. As seen in the clips, Lundgren remains in peak physical condition and he hasn’t shied away from demanding roles in recent years. Not only was he part of Stallone’s Expendables crew, he’ll play King Nerus in James Wan’s Aquaman. Plus, Rocky Balboa depicted an elder Italian Stallion performing admirably in the ring against Mason “The Line” Dixon, so the franchise has pulled this angle off before.

    Regardless of whether or not Drago puts on the gloves again, his inclusion in Creed 2 is exciting. While Rocky eventually befriended Apollo (his rival in the first two movies), things were always acrimonious between Balboa and Drago. Their interactions in the followup should be laced with tension, considering their pasts. After the first Creed took the Rocky series back to its roots with a captivating story, hopefully the sequel can follow suit and keep the property off the ropes for at least a couple more years.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Isn't it against the law to fight old people ?

    LOL !
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
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  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    Dolph is almost 60 now. I guess in Rocky's world, 60 year-olds are naturally still viable professional fighters. I understand suspension of disbelief for the movies, etc., etc., but this is supposedly about the pro fight game. I don't care how much gym work Dolph/'Ivan Drago' does, or how impressive a shape he's in, he is not the same athlete he was 33 years ago. It would be better if Creed's opponent were Drago's own son, whom he coaches.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 08-23-2017 at 07:38 AM.

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