I tend to see a lot of "ADD/ADHD" cases in my naturopathic practice. It's an area I'm very interested in from a therapeutic perspective. A "natural" alternative to ritalin may not be the best course of treatment. As some of the guys here have said, ADD is an incredibly overdiagnosed condition. Of all the kids who have been brought to me, I'd honestly say maybe 10% if that are legitimate sufferers. It's very sad to see ordinary kids doped up to the eyeballs when they needn't be.

Having said that, look at the diet first and try and keep in check the level of salicylates that the person is ingesting. They are heavily implicated and are often the first thing I'll look at. Omega 3 oils work well in many cases also but must be taken in conjunction with zinc to be effective (sardines and other cold water fish are good). And if you really want to take a prescriptive approach, supplementing with DL Phenylalanine has worked consistently well for me in the past.

Good luck
