Quote Originally Posted by MightyB View Post
I have to call shennanigans here. Come on- spinning round kicks, punching guys through walls leaving perfect man shaped holes, hanging hook punches, the staff fight in 'Enter', the knife ricochet in the 'Boss'...

Ok fair point if not weak those scenes are few and far between ! Staff fight ? u mean when Bruce is in the under ground chamber if so you must really dig Jet because its far more real then the sweeping pretty dance scence of modern hong kong M.A films . Also half the actors in these films admit to knowing nothing about martial arts there basicly dancers chineese performers and it shows theres no sence of timeing, counter attack, or focus just a constant flow of spining and jumping on and on it goes to no effect . Then u take the likes of Bruce or Wesley who do know martial arts and it shows ok not every thing is realistic but way way more so than the likes of Hero/ Fearless etc . But every one to his own its all cool
I agree that they are not always martial artists, but look at the old school stars like Lung Fei and Leung Ka-yan. They didn't know martial arts and were studio trained by the Shaw Brothers studios. Some may nto be martial artists like Maggie Cheung and you can see that she doesn't really do any fighting, it is always a double. On the other hand you have a girl like Ziyi Zhang. Her and Michelle yeoh are throwbacks to the old school. They are athletes who are studio trained. If they don't look good on screen, I don't like them, but Woo Ping can even make Nathan Jones look good. I don't know who that guy was in the sword fight in Fearless but he not only brought great acting but some serious movie fighting skills. Obviously there is a big difference in movie martial arts and the real thing, but you still need to have a high skill level in many things to look good in these movies. I will stop my rambling now.