Lung...what you state are what we call in my profession 'typical criminal thinking errors', eg. criminal says: I do crime because everyone I know does crime, or I have to drive to work, so I drive (even though I got suspended for a HTA conviction), or I do crime so I can get money to live and eat...and the list goes on and on. On the other side is non-criminal thinking eg. Just because everyone in my neighbourhood does crime, does not mean I have to, I need my car to maintain my employment and so I will not do anything to jeopardise my being able to drive, I need to live and eat, so I work to get paid. Anything other than this way of thinking is just a cop-out (no pun intended). Criminal thinking errors will lead you into criminal activity sooner or later. Any relapse prevention plan has to address the thinking errors to bring about a change in this and a road to non-criminality.

The HA corporation is a criminal corporation/organization...and yes they have professionals in their rank and file...professionals doing criminal activity.

Is not DUI in the states a HTA (Highway Traffic Act) conviction and not a criminal code conviction (unless there are extenuating circumstances such as criminal negligence cause death)!

Yes, there a number of people who do not as you state "carefully consider anything"...and by your posts on this have fit right into that.