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Thread: The Yin Yang sign - What do you know about it?

  1. #61
    cjurakpt Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by TaiChiBob View Post
    i assert that the power of the diagram is its applicability to almost any situation, not in confining it to a particular situation of preference..

    Be well..
    well, I think that's the point: it's a hermeutic of sorts: a dense, rich "text" subject to interpretation both in terms of it's parts and it's whole, which requires some notion of the historical/cultural context as well as the psychological dimension of the "authors"; the symbol illustrates a general principlewhich can, by necessity, be applied in many ways beyond what the "creators" may have had in mind - if life is change at it's core, if the processes of change act upon us temporally, morphologically, ontologically, etc., then you will have multiple levels of imagery: two fish swimming, a hurricane turning, sperm penetrating egg, electrons around nucleus, the course of the sun in a day, the seasons changing, etc.

    as one interesting example of these processes in nature, check out Theodore Schwenk's book, "Sensitive Chaos" - it shows wonderful examples of vorteces, from rivers, to in utero development, to trabeculae in bone, to formation of shells, flights of birds, etc.; another good one is D'Arcy Thompson "On Growth and Form" for another comparative study in morphological developmet - although very mathematical at times, the point of these relatively western works is to show interellationships in nature that are all excellent examples of underlying yin/yang principles at work

  2. #62
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    i believe it was robert anton wilson who came up with this (i'll paraphrase as best i can): our minds have 2 parts--the thinker and the prover; whatever the thinker thinks, the prover proves.

    this is probably in line with bob's assertion that the symbol on it's own has no inherent meaning or value apart from that which the observer of the symbol gives to it.

    people will see what they want to see or what they need to see.

    Originally Posted by Lee Chiang Po
    You then walk backwards, forcing him off his feet and then drag him by the eye socket and lips. You can pull so hard that the lips tear away. You will never hear such screaming.

  3. #63
    Join Date
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    Orlando, Florida

    Johnny: First, do not attempt to speak on my behalf..
    Bob is full of hot air. If you believe him when he says there is nothing in the Yin Yang sign, you are shooting yourself in the foot.
    What i say is that everything is represented by "applying" the symbol..
    Again, i assert that the power of the diagram is its applicability to almost any situation, not in confining it to a particular situation of preference..
    But you, Johnny, will fall into the category of those that "chew on fingers"..
    If people discect the symbol searching for meaning, it is like chewing on "the finger pointing at the moon"..
    Johnny: What is with the photo interpretation? If you have something to say (though you have provided NO evidence that you do), just say it, man!.. You come into productive conversations with negative commentary criticizing people and yet, you offer NOTHING constructive.. you offer nothing relative to the topic at hand.. you say i am blowing smoke?..
    It really bothers me that instead of admitting you have no idea, you tell people there is no such thing. They should just give up becauase there is no point.
    There's your "smoke", i suggest that people apply the principles to "living".. you would have them compare photos of chicken parts to the diagram.. you and your photos Now, if you want to be heard, say something, anything, relative to the topic..

    Be well..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  4. #64
    cjurakpt Guest
    I assume that by now, Johhny Mnemonic has me on his ignore function, since I've called him on his true identity (Happeh) and he has not 'fessed up; that said, if he actually read my comments of late, I call him out on grounds of bald-faced deception: why won't he admit to his "true" identity? why won't he admit that he has a very specific agenda? why does he keep comming back to a forum where, to a man, people have no interest in his belligerence, his innuendo, his pseudo-scientific theories? he has assumed the role of "eye-opener" when no one asked him to do so in the first place;

    Johnny is a snake in the grass - he nips at our collective ankles all the while accusing us of persecuting him for his pains; he's useless, unwelcome, obnoxious and borderline clinical;

    why waste time arguing with this troglydyte? he should be re-banned by the mods post haste...

  5. #65
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Clean break, boys, clean break...

    JohnnyMnemonic, ironically, this has started an interesting thread, despite your chicken thighs. At this point, I think I'll only respect you if you 'fess with a YHBT. But keep pushing that button and we'll have to push your ban button. It's mostly because I'm getting irritated by the amount of complaints.

    The really ironic thing is that it takes two to troll-tango - yin and yang. Sometimes this thread looks like yin yang in action. Sometimes. But back OT, I personally think the symbol speaks for itself. That's why it's such a resiliant symbol. You can analyze it all you like, but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see it. You'd have to be a fool not to. Or a troll.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #66
    cjurakpt Guest
    thanks for the timely attention Gene - let's hope JM takes a major chill; he started his latest salvo getting on Three Harmonies' case and got a bit of a rise out of him (can you imagine p-oing Jake? seems like the nicest guy); then he declares Yiliquan1 "evil", me as "unhealthy", Scott B an idiot, TC Bob a blowhard (paraphrasing mine) and chadoury (sp?) "poisoned"; he dangles he's neo-fascist crypticism out there like he's got all the answers, and when you respond with reasoned arguments, he non sequitor's on you, does some psychic psychoanalysis and brands you as the anti-Christ...not to mention that he was banned under his first handle (Happeh) and lately he's been unable to resist the temptation of going back to his "analyze this" penchant, showing photos of people and claiming that they are lopsided because the masturbate...

  7. #67
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    Don't feed the trolls. Buy more stuff from (I called them today BTW but didn't have a pen for a RMA # (doh!))

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    Okay, Johnny.. give a penny's worth of knowledge.. enlighten us with "the answer".. you can't! you have made at least 4 attempts to get people to interpret pointless photos, so.. if you can demonstrate any reasoned or enlightened relationship with the photos, do it.. or, be man enough to admit you are just trolling, looking for attention..

    You have been challenged time and time again to produce something, anything of worth.. you haven't and you won't.. you will find excuses not to demonstrate your lack.. as an example:
    I came here to post that something that I have. Now that you have made threats and insulted me, I suppose I will wait. Threaten and insult me, why should I give you things for free? Remain open minded, stand strong against the haters, and maybe I will change my mind and post what I have.
    I am an adult man. Not a cry baby.
    Really? Wa Wa Wa, nobody likes me! they are all evil haters! Get real, Johnny.. if you got give it, and dispense with the games.. You project such a superior attitude and whine so disgustingly when people don't buy your crap.. "Why would you do that if you are a kung fu man?" Johnny, learn to play with real KungFu people.. be respectful, your MO sucks, that is why no one pays attention to you (aside from the fact that you have yet to offer a single piece of information related to KungFu).. You call us blowhards, but for all the posts you have made, none have had the first bit of substance, NONE!

    So, the challenge, Johnny, is put up or shut up.. if you have the answer give it.. if not, move on.. but, i'm willing to bet that you will pick a different option and continue to annoy the good folks that appreciate the value of this forum.. try being a man, Johnny, i know it's a new experience for you.. but try..

    You have been challenged to tell us of your training, your teachers, anything that might lend credence to the twisted image you portray on this forum.. you refuse! you whine when people don't play your games, but you don't play theirs, either.. so.. do something useful with your time. Oh, and don't let that nurse keep giving you the placebo, its amusing to her, but annoying the crap out of the rest of us..

    Be well...
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  9. #69
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    If that means you ban me, so what.

    Ha! 'So what' indeed. Welcome to banhood, JohnnyMnemonic.

    Dang. Now we need another spot of yin in our field of yang to continue this discussion.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #70
    Join Date
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    Orlando, Florida

    Hi Gene: or Hygiene, whatever.. anyway, i can't say it wasn't deserved, but.. i was interested to see if Johnny could produce at least One relevant comment, just One.. but, seeing as we have been labeled "blowhards", it is just as comforting to know that maybe we can get back to our regularly scheduled programs..

    So, Gene, what's your take on the symbol? Powerful mystical sacred geometry matrix?.. or, cool graphics.. or, and i love this pun, a cleverly designed "Mnemonic" device..

    Be well..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  11. #71
    Join Date
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    Seattle, WA
    Man, Mr. Pneumatic, did you have to attack Gene? He's always so level-headed and nice to everybody on here.

    If this were a sparring match, you got WAY over-extended ... and got swept hard.

  12. #72
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Well I am a blowhard

    I just got back from a short stay at Esalen Institute, where I got to watch whales breech and blowhard. It was spectacular. I'm honored to be compared to such magnificent creatures.

    But as for the taiji (yin yang), I try not to intellectualize it too much. For a while I was expermenting with the permutations. For an early WLE instructional video, KFTC's copy editor Gary Shockley and I worked on rotating one, just to see what it would look like in motion. At that time, I was also looking at the primordial taiji symbols, which tend to have longer 'tails', for lack of a better word. I was also playing with some graphic tweaking of the image, geometrical permutations and different simply ways of generating them. It was amusing but it didn't really lead anywhere. You can get all heady about it, but for me, that's mostly a distraction. When I was initially researching xingyi, I was getting all tripped out by five element theory. That got distracting too, and I try not to get too caught up in it and just practice it. Personally, and this might sound trite, but the yin yang is just too black and white for me. I prefer the triskelion version, and not because of the BDSM connection. Honest.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #73
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    Seattle, WA
    You people ... get to do these things ...

    Esalen must be very dry this time of year.

    (He says as he tries to rationalize somebody else getting to visit Carmel, Esalen and the Ventana wilderness, see the ocean and watch whales while he is stuck on conference calls and waiting for software installs to be done).

  14. #74
    cjurakpt Guest
    [QUOTE=JohnnyMnemonic;701054]What is a "YHBT"?

    "You Have Been Trolled"

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    Is that all it takes to control you. Complaints? You mean if I mail you lots of complaints about someone, then register under another 4 or 5 names and mail you complaints from those accounts, you will remove anyone I target?
    no, moron - when he gets complaints, he follows up and reads what the person everyone is complaining about has been posting - if he feels there is no merit to the complaints, he posts his decision and why he made that decision;

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    That sounds like you are giving me your power. Why would you do that if you are a kung fu man?
    huh? how is he giving you his power? and what does being a "kung fu man" have to do with that? oh, asking that OBVIOUSLY reveals my own lack of knowledge...

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    I guess you are easy to control. You have already bought into the evil guys label of "troll". There has been nothing here to justify that label. I try to say something, the bad guys make 5 negative hater posts, and apparently write you 5 complaints from each of their accounts for each post I make. I am prevented from holding a continuous conversation.
    no one is preventing you from doing anything - you are the one who, whenever someone responds to you, goes off topic, makes bizzare judgements about the poster and then complains about how it's all pearls before swine...doesn't it occurr to you that after a while, enough people get sick of it and being unable to get you to be more socially appropriate, and so we resort to the next available option: asking a moderator to moderate...

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    If anyone has a reason for complaint, it is me. Have you received a complaint from me Mr Ching? Of course not. I am an adult man. Not a cry baby. I do not run to mommy looking for help when I have a difference with another man.
    no, you just post about cyberbullying...

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    I try to speak to the man to work it out, or I refuse to speak to him.
    so wait, you either speak to him or you don't - so which is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    And you are the editor of a kung fu magazine? Wow! You just joined Tai Chi Bob on the list of blowhards. If that means you ban me, so what.
    so what? well, if you care so little about being here, why not just leave on your own? and, BTW, PUH-LEEEZE don't come back on with another identity - it won't do you any good anyway "Happeh", because we all know your MO and sooner or later your specific style of psychosis will trickle back up to the sirface...

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    Instead of playing it intelligent and waiting to see what I have,
    and waiting, and waiting, and waiting...

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    you jumped the gun because the haters kept pushing you. You called me names and insinuated I have nothing before ever actually verifiying that I have nothing.
    well, everytime someone asks you what you have, you play some BS game, or come up with an excuse for why you don't say anything of substance; you claim superior knowledge but show no evidence of it except by asking people to analyze pictures of sports casters or chicken parts; you insult and belittle people, you criticize them for no reason (e.g. - ranking on the guy who started the post about the 60 push-ups/60 sit-ups per day, insinuating that he is a weakling if he is able only to do that much, when it clearly was a situation where he was trying to find out if that minimal amount of activity could actually make a difference for someone and was asking others to just try it to help him get data - it had nothing to do with his own routine, but you totally misunderstood the whole point and just called his whole practice into question; you're a jerk)

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    I came here to post that something that I have. Now that you have made threats and insulted me, I suppose I will wait.
    yes, please wait - the longer the better...

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    Threaten and insult me, why should I give you things for free? Remain open minded, stand strong against the haters, and maybe I will change my mind and post what I have.
    no, no, please - stick with your original idea of "shut up and wait"

    BTW - this should be the ultimate testament of JM's insanity: the old "I was JUST about to tell you, but you made me mad so I won't now"; oh, why, why WHY didn't we just refrain for one more day, since CLEARLY if we had, JM would've revealed his secrets

    of course, later on he writes

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    I came here to put the answer to what I posted. I wasn't even going to make you sweat. I am so tired of you I was going to give it to you.
    so let me get this straight - first he won't give anything away for free, THEN he was going to because he was tired of us - if he's so tired, why not just fogedaboudit?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    Why do you want to be a puppet for them?
    for the same reason he likes the BDSM insignia...

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    They will never stop until you refuse to do what they say. In every movie ever made, the bullies never stop until the guy stands up to them.
    right - they stop, look at the guy standing up to them, kill him, then move on...oh, oh, wait - sorry - that wasn't in a movie - that was real life...

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    Guys. You clearly have no imagination at all. You are clearly full of fear. You are afraid I know something that you do not. You are afraid to guess because then everyone will see that you do not know.
    ok, ok, wait - lemme get this straight - we all afraid that you have something that we don't, but we are too afraid to tell you that we are afraid that you might have something that we don't know...ummmm, how about this: a) we KNOW that you have something we don't know; b) we don't give a rat's azz about what it actually is; c) anything that you know is easily available for public consumption on your WEBSITE ( where you lay out, in almost mind-numbng detail, the various "theories" that you espouse (e.g. - masturbation will make you gay, crooked and evil)

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    Instead of being willing to admit you do not know and need to learn, you would rather attack me and drive me off. You would rather pretend the information does not exist.
    how about this - maybe we have the information, and we just don't want you to know that, so we play dumb?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    Then I see that the bad guys are not happy just posting ****e to me, they have to go cry to the poor man running the forums. He is so harrassed he says negative things to me, I say them back, and the bad guys will probably win. Like they always do.
    so, why keep trying? if we always win, that would mean you are an indiot for trying to do anything about it, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    Preventing people from learning or bombing innocent people around the world, the bad guys always seem to get away with it.
    non sequitor - as well as reductio ad absurdum...

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic View Post
    You guys are impossible.
    yes, yes, that's it, we are: please give up on us - don't come back, either as your current incarnation or as another one...I mean, don't you have enough people to irritate on all the other forums that you post to?

  15. #75
    Join Date
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    anything that you know is easily available for public consumption on your WEBSITE (
    Well, that's 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back...

    If that site really does belong to ol' JM, then I think it's painfully obvious he is the person "afflicted" with something. The so-called "information" provided on that website is the raving of a madman. Many references to something happening, but no actual evidence or information provided.

    And the pictures??? Someone must have a tough time going through daily life without seeing all manner of abberations in nearly every photo, video, or graphic representation.

    This guy needs serious help, and I'm not just trying to be funny... He's seriously got some issues that need professional psychiatric attention.
    Matt Stone

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