Thank you Scott ... It´s a very interesting link with a lot of symptoms that can happen during meditation
It doesnt say much about the DSM IV-Qi-Gong Psychotic Reaction but i guess its should be very similar.
I conclude that those symptoms are all related to a "Yang Rising" TCM syndromes that happen because the meditation focus to much on the "heaven" and too little on the "earth" or because a person has a lack of Yin energy. I feel in my body some of this Yang Rising symptoms when i practice meditation for long periods. One day i realized that the symptoms decreased when i meditate and breath also with my legs and feet or when i meditate in grounding stance (tree stance) with my feet in the grass and with the palms of my hands turning down to get the Earth Yin energy.
Some of the symptons described on the link can be very serious mental psychotic disorders ... i think that can only happen if someone is not ready (balanced) to practice meditation like schizophrenics or other serious unbalanced persons who insist to meditate.
I think that a person with a balanced body/mind (Yin/Yang) and with a good Earth relation during the day activities should not feel any "Yang Rising" symptoms during the meditation practice (even when your kundalin awakes).

Thank you all for cooperating in this thread,