Quote Originally Posted by neilhytholt

Have any of you ever fought any really good Wing Chun or JKD guys?

So I'm not sure exactly what to make of this. How can you move to the side or get behind somebody who is so fast they hit you like 3x before you can really move?
Yes, I play with really good Wing Chun guys all the time.

The key is, you NEVER give them an opportunity to even punch or get a strong footing, and you have to move in and jam them from the side straight away. If they cannot stand firm or move their arms, they cannot chain punch you or generate power.

Remember all the front/centre line martial art styles follows some sort of a "cone" energetics; so by understanding their cones you can manipulate them pretty well.

In real fights, it is naive to think that one can get out without a scratch. My opinion is to minimize damage to my body and maximise damage to the opponent. So if I am not playing but in real fights, I am prepared to take a few hits, if it means I can set myself up and finish him/off for good.
