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Thread: To Dale Dugas ;;; sorry for the extra posting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    To Dale Dugas ;;; sorry for the extra posting

    hey, thanks for the warning about the posting. i was not sure which forrum to use. actually, i have never realy been on a forum before. anyway, sorry if i broke the rules. will be more careful.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Yorkshire, United Kingdom
    Peter (Fanwoo), you seem to have forgotten the thread you made, titled "Is Posting The Same Question ON Other Forums A No NO?", where you received the following advice from Gene Ching;
    FANWOO - the rules here are pretty commonsensical and therefore unspoken. for example, if had posted this question on all the forums, what do you think would have happened? good thing you didn't. so you have the sense within you to post in the proper place, you just need to be in touch with it.
    On that thread I had also written;
    Post your question once. If nobody answers and you see it drop down the list as it gets replaced by newer entries, you can "bump" it up the list by adding more info to your question or clarifying... but it is not considered good manners to do this more than once or twice. If nobody answers, then you may just have to accept that no-one else is interested.
    David Noble
    Shorinji Kempo (1983-1988 Retired)

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