Quote Originally Posted by Becca
If you are having a hard time "trying to box" because of take down threats, you ain't training right. There are oodles of fighters out there who have no problem swinging hard at a grappler, Chuck Liddell for one. And he's a great striker. He can roll just fine. But you don't see him going for the take-down and he never lloks like he's worried about being taken down... Tank Abbot was another who didn't let the fear of a takedown stoppin him from boxing.
Liddell has also been wrestling since he was knee high to a pop bottle (all his life). He's also been doing bjj for the past 7 years. he ain't a pure striker. It's his grappling background that makes him able to defend them so well. If takedowns were not a threat, there would be no need to cross train, would there? Tank fought in a period where the game was new. Notice how he started getting owned later in his career.