there are many and many smart and innovative practitioners of MA all the time.

Sun Lu Tang studied Xing Yi first. He stressed Kai He in Tai Chi-> Sun style Tai Chi.

Zhang Zhao Dong incorporated Xing Yi into Ba Gua. his student Jiang Rong Qiao in Kuo Shu Guan in the 1930's promoted Ba Gua thruout China. Jiang's Ba Gua Zhang book was the most read about the style.

BL may be well known. WC was widely taught by Leung Ting. Just about every southern style will teach WC. WC was the most known and practiced Kung Fu in the world. I believed that BL has something to do with WC propagation.

Chen Chang Xing summaried boxing methods from Chen Wang Ting. Lao Jia Yi Lu and Pao Chui Er Lu. Yang Lu Chan propagated it in Beijing.

Ma Yin Tu in Kuo Shu Guan and Liu Yun Qiao in Wu Tan. They both propagated Ba Ji fist. Their teacher is Li Shu Wen.

Ding Zi Cheng with Liu He mantis (Liu He Mantis is short fist or Duan Chui and mantis together). Zhang Xian San propagated the style in Taiwan. Dang Xian Ling propagated it in China.


And yes, they are no longer with us.

But the contributions and influences are still with us or live on.
