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Thread: Zen & The Martial Arts

  1. #31
    shaolinboxer Guest
    And is it in that moment of realization that the samurai experiences "zen"?

    How long does it last?

    Can you take zen with you?

    "She ain't got no muscles in her teeth."
    - Cat

  2. #32
    honorisc Guest
    "And is it in that moment of realization that the samurai experiences "zen"?"

    Experiences zen...experiencies an aspect of zen called'd really like to know what zen is, it seems.

    "How long does it last?" As long as it does.

    "Can you take zen with you?" No-ish, yet it can be there where you are, in each place~.

    Try this concept: Zen is a name/lable given to a way to understand things (perceptions of Life and Its contents~). Getting a point across or understanding someone's point relayed by a story of common knowledge. There's a bit of Irony usually. It's the Irony where the understanding is. Other times there might be paradoxes--places where in some respect a thing is correct and yet that same thing is not correct.

    You were handling a company's account ad lost the acount. You dropped the ball, might be zen-ish.

    So(needle and thread), zen is a name given to a way of understanding things~. This is done by stories of common knowledge. And might contain Irony (having the answer of what Heaven and Hell are like, yet not noticing or realizing haveing the answer~), paradox (?~), sarcasm (you know they couldn't know the answer to spontaneous randomization--how many beans do I have in my hand)or associations (such as dropped the ball with an association between the ball (football, American) and the account)

    Very some such, perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

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