Today on CNN Nancy Pelosi got her panties in a bunch because it was pointing out HER voting record hadn't helped New Orleans either...

You know what worries me now? What else is being ignored/ lacks adequate planning.

The dems are determined to turn this into an election issue, despite the huge responsibility owned by members of thier party.

The Repubs are scrambling to make up for f@ck ups/things that did not go well.

Yeah, I think GWB should have taken charge early. But if he sent fed troops in early, and looters got shot - I can only imagine what the dems would be saying now. The difference between me and GWB, is I wouldn't have given a f@ck about being seen as a fascist. It didn't hurt Clinton a bit when he had Janey reno killing religious nuts en masse... (And did they really deserve to die?)